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It doesn't, unless each meal/snack is fairly small and you exercise a lot. Basically, the more you eat, the more you need to do in order to burn off the extra energy which is otherwise turned into fat and stored in the body. Eating more often will almost certainly increase the amount you eat, so unless you step it up a notch, you definitely won't lose weight.

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11y ago

Eating often helps with weight lossbecause when a person consumes smaller portions throughout the day it gives the body more time to digest and process the food faster. This also tells the brain that you are being fed. People tend to think eating less helps with weight loss but its quite the contrary. When you eat very little the brain tells the body that it is in starvation mode with causes you to store fat for energy later on. When you eat frequently and in smaller portions, the brain then knows not to store extra fat. Hope this helps and that I made sense =)

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11y ago

The simple answer is your motabolism. Eat too little and you send your body the message to eat muscle to stay alive. Eat too much, you start to store fat. Three meals a day is the right amount to keep your motabolism in check.

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