

Why does every boy has to get circumcision?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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15y ago

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Infant circumcision is not covered by national health care in places like the United Kingdom and Canada. Infant circumsion is also not covered by most health insurances in the United States. Not every boys has to have circumcision. There are only a few medical conditions where circumcision may be necessary. The majority of circumcisions are done for religious and/or customary reasons. There are recent studies/reports showing circumcised males have lower incidence certain sexually transmitted infections . There is also a slight lower incidence of penile cancer, which is already a very rare cancer by itself. There is also fewer urinary tract infections during the first year. You may say what can be so bad with all the benefit described so far. Well, all procedures carry risks. Unintended adverse outcomes will happen to some. Some will say if you're born with it, why remove it. The American Academy of Pediatricians still does not recommend routine circumcision for all boys. They leave it to the parents to decide after providing the pro's and con's.

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Can something go wrong to a baby that gets circumcised before 1?

Yes, just like with an surgical procedure there are risks of negative outcomes following circumcision. The risks include complications from anesthesia as well as prolonged bleeding, infection, and surgical error. While it is very uncommon, every year infants die due to complications for circumcision. Circumcision can be practiced for religious reasons, for example within Judaism and Islam. However, no major medical associate recommends routine infant circumcision as it has no known medical benefit and puts the boy at risk of complications and adverse events.

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The Every Boy was created in 2005.

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sadly when requested, babies will have their genitals mutilated at the request of the parents (as long as they are a boy, illegal to do to girls)