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The bottom of the ocean doesn't freeze.

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Q: Why does it freeze at the bottom of the ocean?
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Why doesnt Antarctic bottom water freeze?

From its Wikipedia page: "Being the densest water mass of the World Ocean, AABW is found to occupy the depth range below 4000 m of all ocean basins that have a connection to the Southern Ocean at that level." The Southern Ocean freezes at about a depth of eight to 12 feet during the winter months, which is not deep enough to freeze the bottom water.

What will freeze first the ocean or pond?

The ocean, in a pond only the top layer will freeze!

Why would the top of an ocean freeze and not the inside?

The whole ocean would freeze if it was cold enough.

Why does the Arctic ocean freeze but the Pacific doesn't?

the Pacific Ocean is warmer.

Is the bottom of the ocean is different from land masses because the ocean bottom is perfectly flat?

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How scientists map the bottom of the ocean

What are slimy deposits at the bottom of the ocean?

The bottom of the ocean that is slimy is called a biogenous bottom. Some scientists refer to this kind of ocean bottom as an ooze. They are the result of a dominance of calcium shells and siliceous shell pieces which dissolve at the bottom of the ocean.

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When was Ocean Bottom Nightmare created?

Ocean Bottom Nightmare was created in 2007.

What is a flat area on the ocean bottom?

An abyssal plain is a flat area on the ocean bottom

Echolocation for mapping the bottom of the ocean?

the echolaocation for measurnig the bottom of the ocean is the Doppler effect

What is the antonym for bottom of the ocean?

surface of the ocean