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Because the clouds are sad there.

BECAUSE of the prevalence of OROGRAPHIC LIFTING that takes place:

The mountainous terrain of Norway allows for orographic lifting to occur. This is when cold air masses, which are always found at Norway's latitude, are forced to rise when they collide with a topographic barrier (in this case, mountainous ranges). The water vapors in the rising air masses then condense to form clouds as it reaches the lifting condensation level or the dew point. All the precipitation (i.e. rain) has their source in these clouds.

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1mo ago

Norway receives a lot of rainfall due to its geographical location near the North Atlantic Ocean. The warm waters of the Gulf Stream create a humid climate, resulting in frequent precipitation. The mountainous terrain also plays a role in enhancing rainfall through orographic lift.

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Q: Why does it rain so much in Norway?
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What is the current weather in Norway?

Norway is to vast for you to use any "average" value as an indicator on how the weather is in Norway. There are coastline climates, inn-land climates, vast forests and massive mountains after the little incident with Greenland 400million years ago (crashed into Norway). In the winter, most of Norway has subzero degrees (Celsius degrees), usually between -5 to -30 high up in the mountains, to 2 to -2 at coastlines. In the summer time you can expect 12-24 in Most areas, and as usual, sub-zero degrees in the mountains. Norway is much warmer than Alaska because of the gulf stream.

Why might Sweden and Finland receives less rain than Norway?

Sweden and Finland receive less rain than Norway because they are located in the rain shadow of the Scandinavian mountain range. This mountain range blocks moisture-laden air masses coming from the west, resulting in less rainfall in the eastern regions of Sweden and Finland. Additionally, Norway's coastal location allows it to receive more moisture from the Atlantic Ocean, increasing its rainfall levels.

Why did hurricane sandy produce so much rain?

All hurricanes produce large amounts of rain. It is a result of the huge amount of moisture a hurricane carries.

Why Norway can produce so much hydroelectricity?

Norway can produce a lot of hydroelectricity because it has abundant water resources in the form of rivers and waterfalls, which can be harnessed to generate electricity. Additionally, Norway has a hilly and mountainous terrain that is well-suited for building hydroelectric power plants. The country also has a long history of investing in and developing hydroelectric infrastructure.

How many inches is in a foot of rain?

There are 12 inches in a foot, so a foot of rain would be 12 inches.

Related questions

Does it rain in Norway?

Yes, a lot.

What kind of pollution is in Norway?

Acid rain.

Where does acid rain come from in Norway?


Which out of Norway and Spain has a warmer climate?

Definitely Spain! Norway has warm summers; on a nice warm day it can get up to 30 degrees Celsius, but Norwegian winters are really cold. I'm a norwegian and I still haven't gotten used to it, haha. Temperatures are usually below 5 degrees Celsius and can go down to -30++ so yeah..Spain is much warmer than Norway!

Why is Sweden so much colder then in Norway?

It's not.

How is the weather in Denmark?

Temperate. Summers are mild and so are the winters, but both are greatly affected by coastal-climate humidity. It doesn't rain nearly as much as in the UK or Norway, but we get lots of summer showers.

Where does the acid rain that falls on Norway come from?


How does Norway use hydroelectricity?

Yes, very much so.

How did the people like Norway?

Very much, so we stayed.

Is there womans rights in Norway?

Yes, very much so.

Does the dessert get a lot of rain?

no. the dessert is really hot so it doesn't get much rain

What causes so much rain in the rain forest?

There is so much rain in the rain forests, because they are located near the equator. This makes their temperature high enough that it results in maximum evaporation of water, causing heavy rainfall to occur.