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When a body of water is polluted with Mercury, the mercury will begin building up in every part of the water, including plants, plankton, and fish. Each part of the food chain increases the amount of mercury. Therefore, larger fish will have more mercury inside them.

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10y ago

Predatory fish such as swordfish, tuna and salmon get mercury from the fish that they eat; lower down the food chain, smaller fish pick up mercury from eating the various organic materials floating in the water or from the animals or plants they eat. The original source traces back to a 50/50 split between natural sources such as volcanic eruptions and human sources such as coal-fired power plants and metal purification plants.

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Q: Why does mercury build up in fish?
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no they did not, bob the builder did. Mercury did build pick up trucks for a few years in the mid to late 1940's.

What is the main source of fish in the us?

The main source of fish is the Mercury fish. The Mercury fish is a tainted fish found widely in the US streams.

Does dori fish contains Mercury?

If the fish is in a mercury- contaminated water. >>none for mercurium!

Explain what Mercury in a fish is?

In some places in the world, mercury is pumped into the ocean as a byproduct of industry. This mercury is then consumed by fish, poisoning the fish. The fish are caught by fishermen and consumed by people, creating a wide range of problems due to the toxic nature of mercury.

What type of fish has the most mercury?

predatory fish, Mercury, once ingested never leaves the body, so it is concentrated in the bodies of fish that eat other fish.

What substance bioaccumulates in fish?

Mercury bioaccumulates in fish.