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Q: Why does my cheese sauce get so grainy How can I fix it?
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How much does a cup of cheese sauce weigh?

You haven't specified the amount of cheese sauce nor the size of the cup, so the answer is that it could be anything.

How can a grainy curry sauce be corrected?

If you would like your curry sauce to be smoother, try putting it in a blender. If you do not have a blender, a mortar and pestle is the old fashioned way. Grind it up.

What does lasagne consist of?

It is made of layers of pasta, hamburger meat sauce, white sauce and cheese topping. If you want to make it at home, start with a layer sauce, pasta, hamburger meat sauce and so on until your dish is full. Make sure the last layer has enough sauce over the pasta so it will be cooked. Sprinkle with cheese and bake it for around 25 to 30 minutes.(wrong) It is baked layers of pasta, cheese, and tomato sauce.

Why does Pizza Hut not have cheese sauce in Ohio?

because they are not so rich country.

Can Vegan's eat spaghetti sauce?

A vegan can eat spaghetti sauce if it is made without animal products. So, meatless, no cheese.

Is pizza a vestable?

no pizza is not a vegetable ,because it is just bread cheese tomatoe sauce and more cheese so it is a junk food

What makes Pizza Huts pizza so good?

The sauce, spices, cheese, and crust.

What food group pizza is in?

well the crust goes in the grain group. the cheese goes in the milk group. and the sauce under the cheese goes in the vegetable group. so Pizza is in three groups.

Why does your Parmesan cheese clump when it melts?

When adding Parmesan cheese to a cream sauce, make sure your heat is about medium to medium-high. Use a whisk while you are grating it into the sauce. You should continue to whisk it until the cheese has melted. Parmesan cheese is a hard cheese so it needs a higher heat than soft cheeses in order to melt or it will just stick and make a clump.

How do you fix honey garlic chicken wings that are too sweet?

Don't put so much honey in the sauce.

What kind of cheese is Alfredo sauce made out of?

It is made from mouldy cheese as that is found to be nutritious and it will make you look really good attracting All the boys if you are a boy and all the girls if you are a girl so all you Lesi's and Gay's out there this is some wow sause for you to try!

Why do your bicep muscles feel or look bumpy and grainy when doing curls?

becaise when you are doing curls your muscsles are not use to the position so your muscles will have to ajust in order for your muscles to get bigger, and they feel grainy because when your doing the curl, the "grainy" will be your tissue muscle