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its either you fed it to much or it has a disease

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Q: Why does my guinea pig have poop as large as a golf ball and it seems painfull?
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Should you put your Guinea Pig in a Guinea Pig ball?

Yes, guinea pigs have delicate spines, which aren't as flexible as hamster spines. If you put a guinea pig in a hamster ball then you can seriously harm their back. Even the ones that say suitable for guinea pigs shouldn't be used.

How much does a Guinea Pig have to weigh to roll in a roll-about ball?

You should never put a guinea pig inside of a ball as their spines are not made to bend in that manner. Serious injury or death could occur from placing a guinea pig within a roll-about ball.

Do you buy a guinea pig a ball?

no you will break its back

How do you get your guinea pig to run in her ball?

just make sure does it

Can guinea pigs go in guinea pig balls?

No, not even hamsters should play in a hamster ball. It frightens them , can effect their eyesight and makes them disorientated. Do NOT put a guinea pig in ANY ball. They do not have the spines that hamsters have. They can break their backs and possibly die. No, because it can hurt their feet.

What can you use for guinea pigs for exercise?

You can buy them one of those wheels that you put in the cage or a ball you put the guinea pig in and it runs around in the house. Ok first of all please do NOT buy a ball. Guinea pigs do not have the spine that a hamster has a ball could injure your guinea pig. Guineas need an hour of exercise daily set up a room for your pigs to run around in or teach them to go up and down the step.

What does it mean when a guinea pig scrunches up into a ball?

He or she is probably going to sleep.

What is a good technique to build snowmen?

Many families have their own special techniques to build impressive snowmen. However, the most popular form of snowman seems to be the three-tiered snowman. One rolls a large ball of snow for the base. A smaller ball is rolled for the middle and place on top of the large base. A smaller ball is rolled and placed on top of the middle for the head.

What are some good names for your solid white teddy bear guinea pig?

snow ball,icey,puff ball,and gost

How long does it take for a guinea pig to run in a ball?

Guinea pigs won't run in a ball. They have very sensitive backs, and therefore both the balls (even the jumbo size) and the wheels don't work. They can also get their feet stuck in the air holes. Most guinea pigs also get scared when placed in a ball. From past experience, it doesn't work, even if you start when they are young.

Do guinea pigs need exercise balls?

ABSOLUTELY NOT!Guinea Pigs have a natural upward curve of the spine. When you put them in an exercise ball you are forcing the spin in an unnatural position and its bone structure can't handle it! You should never put your Guinea Pig in an exercise ball. Give the Guinea Pigs ample room to run around, toys, and a mate and they will maintain their own fitness.

Can a guinea pig have a wheel in its cage if its big enough?

no it cant they do not like the wheels or the ball