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All sorts of things happen when one cuts an onion and in the end Sulfenic Acid comes out. That turns into another gas and it causes the eyes and nose to run and try to get rid of the gas.

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Q: Why does nose run when cutting onion?
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Onion seasoning adds flavor to foods, but after seasoning, it can leave the onion smell behind on cutting boards. To neutralize the seasoning on a wooden cutting board, rub the board with coarse salt and baking soda, leave on a few minutes, and rinse.

Does the gas from an onion have to reach your eyes to make you cry?

No... just your nose.

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The dependant variable in this experiment would be the amount of 'crying' resulting from the cutting of each onion.

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a nose. a nose.

Why you get tear when you cut onion?

A cut onion releases an irritant into the air which irritates our eyes, the body's response in turn is to try to get rid of the irritant through the production of tears. You can try one of two things to have your eyes water less when cutting is to cut your onion under a stream of water from your tap, the other is to not cut the end of the onion that has the roots on it...this will result in less irritant being released. kutay

What does onion contain so you human cry on cutting it?

Sulfur words pretty good for this instance