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he might get caught and then cerbeus will go and kill them all.

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Q: Why does perseus set off on his dangerous journey?
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How does perseus set off on his dangerous journey?

King Polydectes of Seriphos fell in love with Danae, mother of the Greek hero Perseus. However, Perseus was protective and wouldn't let Polydectes near her. Polydectes pretended he was going to marry a princess and ordered every man in his kingdom to supply him with a gift. Perseus couldn't afford a gift, and so pledged the King anything he wanted. Polydectes asked for the head of the Gorgon Medusa. Perseus killed Medusa by using his shield as a mirror to avoid her deadly gaze. and returned with her head, but found Polydectes was threatening and abusing his mother Danae. Perseus snuck into the throne room, where he found Polydectes and his nobles. When they gazed upon Medusa's head, they were turned to stone.

When did Lewis and Clark set off for their journey out west?


What year day and date did the titanic set off on her journey?

31 May 1911

What motivated Tubman and the slaves to set off such a dangerous journey?

she wanted to rape the other slaves. jk hahahahahaha she did it to save african americans from labor and being killed by cruel slave owners

Who sealed Perseus and her mother in what?

Perseus and his mother, Danae, were sealed in a wooden chest and set to sea by her father, Acrisius, King of Argos.

What city did perseus grow up?

Perseus grew up on the island of Serifos. He and his mother, Danae, washed up to shore there after they were set afloat in the bronze box by Perseus's grandfather, Acrisus, King of Argos.

Where was the myth of Perseus and Medusa set?

The location of Medusa's cave is not known.

Where are the trading posts in Poptropica?

go off the bridge where your blimp is you will see a raft. hit embark to set off on your journey. when you set sail you will see a map with all of the different islands.

In the movie clash of the titans Perseus and his mother were set adrift in the ocean by whom?

Perseus and his mother(Danae) were sent adrift by Danae's father King Acrisius.

Why perseus is brave?

Perseus is considered brave because of his actions, such as facing and defeating Medusa, a monster with the power to turn beings into stone. He demonstrated bravery by taking on dangerous challenges, such as overcoming obstacles set by the gods to prove his worthiness. His courage in seeking out and defeating powerful foes like Medusa and other monsters showcases his bravery and determination.

Why is it dangerous to play in a rocket?

Because you could set the rocket off when you haven't got a space suit.

How was Perseus' childhood?

Terrible!!! He was locked in a wooden chest and set out to sea and landed on and island