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Because the conditions that hold it together is disturbed and it is easily washed along by water. theincreased surface exposed to the air also tends to dry it out making it more prone to blown about by the wind.

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Q: Why does soil erosion increase when soil is plowed?
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How does erosion increase?

Erosion increases when there is a flood and when land is plowed and there is no cover crop that would prevent wind erosion.

What are terraced slopes?

Slopes that have been plowed with a soil, and erosion conservation technique called terracing.

Does plowing help or damage soil?

Plowing allows water and air to enter the soil, it also allows humus (organic matter) to be plowed into the soil so that earthworms can have access to it and improve soil quality. Plowing does disturb the soil and can make it susceptible to erosion due to wind taking loose soil or water erosion when it rains. Leaving soil exposed without a crop in it means that erosion can occur.

What can you do to solve the problem of erosion in the soil?

Contour plowing and "no-till" harvesting (the field is not "plowed under" until just before it is needed) are the two best ways.

How do human activity contribute to soil erosion?

yes.Humans can contribute to erosion in many ways. One of which is when land is used for industrial agriculture such as: livestock, poultry, fish, and crops.An example of this would be when land is used for crops. When the land is plowed it disturbs soil and plant roots which cause the soil to become loose which in effect cause it to be more easily moved, i.e erosion.

Where would gullies form a field with plowed soil and no plants or a field with thick grass?

a field with plowed soil and no plants

Do forest increase or decrease soil erosion?

it decreases because the trees stop the movement of the soil and block it

How does soil eroision encrease when it is plowed?

Soil is made up of bits of rock, detritus and hummus (dead biological matter). When a rock is eroded, it is simply broken down into small pieces which mix with water and bits of dead stuff, resulting in more soil.

What are 3 factors that increase soil erosion?

over grazing wind water

Where would gullies form a field with plowed soil and no plants or a field covered with thick grass explain?

a feild with plowed soil and no plants

How can thermal pollution be caused by soil erosion?

Thermal pollution can be caused by soil erosion, as the sediments make the water muddy and thus increase light absorbency and thermal pollution