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Because they can.

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Q: Why does the American Gov't hides things from us Americans?
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What is the idea in the Constitution?

Laying down the basis of American govt.

How many branches does the American govt have?

3 major branches.

What will happen if the government does not collect taxes?

the govt does not able to run freely...........the free things which one given by govt to people are all stopped........

Which two departments does the constitution anticipate?

military & foreign ---American Govt, text book---

What is the Difference in Indian and American secularism?

in Indian secularism the govt. can interfere btw the matters of the people although there is sepration of religion from us securlarism govt. cannot interfere in any case.

How was Musharraf's govt?

Musharaf's govt. was very bad but it was better than Zardari's govt .

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What is govt?

Govt is used as an abbreviation for government.

How did France lose most of its land in America?

If you are talking about before the American Revolution, it would be the French-Indian War, where the french and the Native Americans were against the American colonists and the British, and the British won. If you are talking about after the American revolution, it would be in the Louisiana Purchase, where Napoleon sold Louisiana and basically all of the Midwest to the American Govt really cheaply.

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the main heads of govt expenditures are DEFENCE sector, railways, imports, education, hospitals, infrasructures. the revenues earn from exports,taxes,return on facilities.

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is mahatma jyotirao phule govt. university