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The amount of atmospheric carbon dioxide follows a slow upward trend, superimposed by a saw-tooth pattern with a peak during the northern hemisphere summer and a low during the northern hemisphere winter. These short term fluctuations are due to the vigorous growth of plants during the warmer months. The sourthern hemisphere does not balance this effect because many of its evergreen trees continue to grow all year around, and because of the smaller land area.

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Q: Why does the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere goes down during the summer months?
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The atmospheric concentration of carbon dioxide is regulated by?

Plants play the biggest role in regulating the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. They do so by using it during photosynthesis and release oxygen.

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There would be significantly more CO2 in the atmosphere because plants take in CO2 during photosynthesis and fix the carbon into glucose.

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Photosynthesis uses carbon dioxide as a raw material where carbon dioxide is fixed into organic molecules. This process lowers the level of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. The seasonal fluctuation of carbon dioxide levels during a year may be caused by increased photosynthesis during spring and summer.

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There would be significantly more CO2 in the atmosphere because plants take in CO2 during photosynthesis and fix the carbon into glucose.

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The balance of oxygen and carbon dioxide is maintained in the atmosphere by the oxygen released by plant during photosynthesis and carbon dioxide released by human ,animal's etc in the atmosphere

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In the atmosphere .

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Carbon dioxide gas.

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When you exhale, carbon dioxide is released into the atmosphere.