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The pole is slightly springy and is wiggling the flag a bit.

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Q: Why does the flag on the moon look like it is waving?
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What was the us flag on the moon made of?

incorrect answer above... the flag was made of tin and bent so it looks like its waving!

Why doesn't the US flag on the moon hang down?

Although there is gravity on the Moon, the flag had wire strips in it to stop it falling down. This also allowed the flag to look like it was "waving". The Apollo 11 mission flag fell over due to the exhaust blast of the returning flight.

Why did people think that armstrong faked the landing on the moon?

It was because the flag was not waving. And there were no stars in the sky. The flag was not waving as the moon has no wind , and the gravity is less. There are no stars asthe photo was taken in the day.

Did the moon landing happened or didn't?

We don't know for certain, but I think they were real. The main reason that people believe it was faked is because the flag is waving, even though there is no wind on the moon. The reason the flag is waving is because it is not a real flag, it is made out of tinfoil and bent to give the optical illusion that it was waving.

How did flag float on moon?

The flag on the moon's surface is not a cloth flag. The flag is designed to appear to be waving in the breeze; fully extended. Since there is no wind in spce it had to be made in that manner.

Why the flag in the moon is moving if theres no air?

The flad doesn't move. Its held up by a bar that goes through the top of the flag, making it look like its waving. Without the bar, the flag would just hang down as it does on earth when there is no wind to unfurl it.

What does the Shang Dynasty flag look like?

The moon

Why and how was the flag waving on the moon?

The fabric of the flag has a wire mesh sewn into it. The flag rolls up into a nice little package. When on the Moon, the astronauts extend the pole and stick it into the ground. They can then unroll the flag.

Did anyone go to the moon?

no, because if you see in the background theres no stars and the American flag is waving but theres no wind on the moon

Why do they said Apollo mission is fake?

Many say it is a fake as the flag on the moon is waving when there is no wind there.

What does Turkish flag look like?

It is red with a symbol of the moon and a star.

What proof is there that neil Armstrong went to the moon?

Despite rumors, Neil Armstrong did land on the moon. To resolve the rumor that, "because the flag appears to be waving in the video, then it can't be the moon": The astronauts there propped the flag in a way that it appeared to be waving, as opposed to the original position, which was considered unpatriotic.