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Because in a coniferouse forest the trees prevent sunlight from reaching the ground

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Q: Why does the floor of a temperate deciduous forest have more small plants than the floor of a coniferous?
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What is the opposite to deciduous?

Deciduous usually means plants that drop their leaves, such as in the fall. The opposite of deciduous is evergreen. Often people mistake the opposite of deciduous to be coniferous, meaning cone-bearing. There are a few deciduous trees that are also coniferous, such as larch. There are also plants that are evergreen but are not coniferous, such as eucalyptus.

Describe the 6 major land biomes?

Tropical Rainforest: Characterized by high biodiversity, heavy rainfall, and dense vegetation. Desert: Arid and dry with low moisture levels and extreme temperature fluctuations. Grassland: Dominated by grasses and herbaceous plants with few trees, found in regions with moderate rainfall. Temperate Forest: Contains deciduous or coniferous trees and experiences distinct seasons. Taiga: Known as boreal forest, characterized by cold climates and dominated by coniferous trees. Tundra: Cold and treeless biome with permafrost and low biodiversity, found near the poles.

Does a temperate forest have coniferous trees?

There is a bit of "transition" between areas of permafrost and the coniferous forests, but yes, a few trees will grow over permafrost. These trees will grow if there is sufficient "relief" in the form of seasonal thawing. That thawing allows soil of sufficient depth to unfreeze and support a larger plant like a tree. Trees would need a little longer period of thawing and enough of the soil to thaw so they can survive than, say, bushes, shrubs or flowering plants like those of the tundra.

What is the vegetation in Georgia?

Some plants in Georgia include pine and oak trees, as well as maple and birch trees. Other plants include walnut trees, hawthorn, and honeycup.

What are some examples of deciduous trees?

Maple, oak, birch, beech, and aspen are examples of deciduous trees. These types of trees shed their leaves annually in response to changes in temperature and daylight. Deciduous trees are commonly found in temperate regions around the world.

Related questions

Why does the floor of a temperate deciduous forest have more small plants than the floor of a coniferous forest?


Why does th floor of a temperate deciduous forest have more small plants than the floor of a coniferous forest?


What is the plants for temperate deciduous forest?

Plants include but are not limited to oaks, maples, birches and other deciduous plants.

What are 9 land biome animals?

polar ice,tundra, coniferous forest, tropical rain forest, temperate deciduous forest,temperate grassland,savanna,desert,chaparral and mountains. And there are not only 9 there are 10. Lastly the organisms that live there are plants & animals like birds mainly.

How is the conifer forest and the deciduous forest the same?

yes,the rain fall, the temperature and animals that live there

Is deer a tertiary consumer in a temperate deciduous forest?

No it is not a teratriy comsumer because it eats plants.

What is the opposite to deciduous?

Deciduous usually means plants that drop their leaves, such as in the fall. The opposite of deciduous is evergreen. Often people mistake the opposite of deciduous to be coniferous, meaning cone-bearing. There are a few deciduous trees that are also coniferous, such as larch. There are also plants that are evergreen but are not coniferous, such as eucalyptus.

What are native plants in the Temperate deciduous forest?

Ferns, moss, bushes, and most other non-evergreen forms.

Differences of deciduous and coniferous forest?

Coniferous- The trees there have 'needle' leaves that don't fall in the winter. This causes the soil to be very infertile, and hardly any plants grow on the ground. Deciduous- The trees here are 'deciduous' trees, which means that their leaves fall in the winter. This means that the soil (you guessed it) is more richer than the coniferous forest and many plants grow here, like brambles, grass, and other various bushes and flowers.

What are the plants for the coniferous forest?

The dominate tree species will be various species of pine and fir, although some deciduous species might be present.

What is the natural environment that animals or plants can live?

Define artificial environment? there are two types of environment Urban and rural. social personal natural there are all types or natral environment unban energy pollution and transport

Deciduous forest plants?

arealbany plants