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Q: Why does the hairs on your arms stand up when you are cold?
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In order to warm the body up when cold?

the arrector pili muscles contract to stand hairs upright

What does it mean when your hair on your arms stand up?

It could mean that your just cold or that it is staticy.

What does it mean when the hairs on your arm stand up?

it means that ur cold and ur skin is trying to make u warmer

Is there any way to know if a spirit is around?

there isn't homie it will be cold near you,and the tiny hairs in your body will stand up like needles,,

What is another word for hairs on a dog's back?

when the hairs stand up on a dogs back they are known as Hackles

How does hairs standing up on your arms keep you warm?

A muscle beneath the upper layer of skin called the hair erector muscle contracts. When doing so it causes the hairs to stand up and this creates an insulation layer by trapping warm air, which also helps maintain a constant internal temperature.

What is dead hair?

Dead hairs are the hairs that are curly and rough when touched and they stand up and can make your hair really messy.

Why does your hair stand on end when you take off your hat or a cold dry day?

When you take off your hat, you hair stands on end because of static electricity. Basically, the friction from your hat being removed causes the hairs to lose some electrons and become positively charged. Like-charges repel, so all of the positively charged hairs try to get as far away from each other as possible. This is why it stands on end. When you are cold, your hairs stand up to trap air. Air is a very good insulator, so the hairs trap pockets of it in an attempt to keep you warm. They stand up because little muscles under the skin attached to each hair (called hair erector muscles) contract, pulling the hairs upright.

Why do hairs stand up if body temperature is too low?

to keep the body warmer....

Why or how does hair stand up on your arms?

static electricity

Why do the hairs on your arm stand up when they come into contact with a balloon?

static electricity static electricity

Why do you get bumps?

Ur skin is trying to get warmer by pulling your hairs up to protect the skin from the cold.