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Tidal effects from the Moon are gradualy slowing down Earth's rotaton, about 1.5 milliseconds every century, or .015 milliseconds every year. This tidal slowing will continue untill synconization occurs, at which point 1 Earth Day will be 1128 hours long.

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12y ago
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13y ago

because the earth is tilted as it rotates the sun more or less of the surface is exposed in the hemisphere.

So when it is winter in the northern hemisphere it is summer in the Southern Hemisphere. Because the southern hemisphere is tilted closer to the sun.

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16y ago

Because the moon "rotates" once a month, and one rotation makes one day. The moon doesn't seem to rotate on its axis from earth's point of view because the same side faces the earth at all times, except for some 'wobble' caused by a thing called libration. But from the perspective of the distant stars, the moon really does rotate once per month.

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15y ago

Days (the amount of sunlight) change in length because the orientation of earth's axial tilt in relation to the sun changes throughout the year. Take the extreme cases of the north and south poles. At the summer soltice in the north, the north pole is experiencing daylight throughout the day, and the south pole is experiencing days on end without sunrise. As you move from the poles toward the equator, the effect at both hemispheres lessens little by little (for example, the farther south you are between the arctic circle and the equator the shorter your period of daylight; in the south the farther north you go between the antarctic circle and the equator the longer your period of daylight) until at the equator, every day throughout the year is almost exactly half sunlit and half with the sun below the horizon. If you refer to solar days, the exact length of time between two successive transits of the sun (where the sun is highest in the sky on a given day) the solar days are changing length a little throughout the year, and this is complicated to explain. Greenwich Mean Time, now more commonly referred to as Universal Time (UTC) has been defined to give the average length of a solar day as 24 hours. To make matters a little more complicated, the velocity of earth's rotation has changed very slightly since the original standards were set, so there is a need to add a leap second to the year now and then. Few people in the general population are aware of these leap seconds, or their accurate interpretation.

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12y ago

The 23.5° tilt of the Earth's axis and, to a much lesser extent, the distance from the Sun (during the Earths course along its elliptical orbit it moves across a greater angle when close to the Sun- January - than when furthest from the Sun - July).

When the northern hemisphere is tilted more towards the Sun (from spring to autumn) the nights are shorter and days longer than during the other half of the year.

Take a globe into the sunlight and notice that always half of the Earth is illuminated directly but if you tilt the north more towards the Sun, as the earth spins places north of the equator are in sunlight longer than places in the southern hemisphere.

Since the earth's rotation affects where the sun is pointing at it then the sun can only point at a part of earth for so long until the earth turns at least enough for the sun to shine on mostly another piece of land on earth.

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14y ago

The same reason we have seasons. It is this same rotation that causes daylight to occur for shorter periods of time during the winter (longer daylight hours during summer months) the further from the equator you travel.

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11y ago

Hmmm. Let's clear up a misconception; the Sun doesn't move. It's the EARTH that moves. (Actually, the Sun and our entire solar system ARE moving, but we never notice that.) The Earth is traveling in an elliptical orbit around the Sun, and spinning on its axis.

But because the Earth's axis of rotation is "tipped" relative to the plane of our orbit around the Sun, we have seasons, and a year-long sine-wave cycle of long days and short days. When your hemisphere is tilted more toward the Sun, we have spring and summer, and longer days. When your hemisphere is tilted more away from the Sun, we have fall and winter, and shorter days.

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9y ago

As the orbit of the moon expands, the day is getting longer in some locations. This is a result of a force called tidal deceleration.

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13y ago

The earth is tilted in an angle of 23.5 degrees. When it is summer your side of hemisphere is tilted towards the sun. and that makes the summer days long and winter days short

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13y ago

The tilt of the Earth's Axis to the solar plane causes the days to change as the earth orbits the sun.

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