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The moon isn't really moving, the car is just moving around the moon.

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Q: Why does the moon appear to be following the car when it's moving?
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What type of car is Jacob building in new moon?

a VW rabbit

Why does Victoria return to Forks in New Moon?

drives her car or runs.

Who is at fault if a kid runs into your car while you are moving and damages your car on the driver's side wheel well and he is hurt and has to go to the hospital?

This is a gray situation with many variables.If you were moving in traffic and were following all laws, you cannot be charged for causing the accident;If you were moving in traffic and were NOT following all laws, you CAN be charged for causing the accident;If you were moving in traffic and were NOT following all laws, you CAN be charged for causing the accident AND be held responsible for ambulance, ER, hospital, and any other costs, PLUS your own car;If a child is a minor under age 12 years old, and you were following traffic laws, the law can be gray at best. Even if the child did wrong, there was no intent to do it. So then, no one is held "responsible".If a child is a minor under age 12 years old, and you were NOT following traffic laws AND even if the child did wrong, you could be held responsible;If a child is a teenager, it can get even more muddled. IF he ran into you, you could bring action in Small Claims Court against the teen AND parents, for neglecting to manage their child. You need to have not done anything wrong.The best decision is to:File a Police Report;Notify your insurance company;Use Small Claims Court if you did not do anything legally wrong, especially if the Police Report supports your story.NOTE: I am not a lawyer and this is not legal advice.

How does eichi die?

Eichi Sakurai from Full Moon Wo Sagashite? In the manga he dies in a plane crash and in the anime he dies in a car crash.

Corolla advertising slogans?

Toyota has had 2 slogans throughout time. Early Years in America: (mid 80s-1994) "Everybody drives one" 1994-Present: "Moving foreword"

Related questions

Why does it look like the moon in moving when your in the car?

The answer for that.Is that the cloudes are moving all around the moon which makes the moon like it is moving.

When A car moving east with a velocity of 2m s is represented by a Which of the following represents the velocity of the car moving 4m s west?


Why does the moon follow us when you are in a car?

It's your eye that makes you think that the moon is following you when you're driving.

Motion in comparison to a reference point?

Motion is always compared to a reference point. If you and some friends are driving in a car at 60 mph from your reference point your friends do not appear to be moving, but if you are standing at the side of the road as the car goes by the passengers will appear to be moving at 60 mph.

Why does the moon move when in a car?

* because it is an opical illousion and it seems ro be moving when the car is movinbg because you are moving and it is not, so lets just say that it is a trick by your brain. * it is what you belive and * its just a trick that the brain seems to be funny

Why does a man forgets his coffee on his car and it rolls off resembles the first law of motion?

I assume you mean, when the car starts moving. The car starts moving; the coffee cup "wants to", or has the tendency to, keep its previous velocity, so it has the tendency of NOT following the movement of the car.

How can you see the same constellation if we are moving more then 135 miles per second?

Because we are so VASTLY far away; we don't notice the motion. Whey you are riding in a car and you look out the window, the trees and buildings along the freeway seem to RACE past. The Moon, on the other hand, appears to be keeping up with you. You're still moving, and the Moon is moving itself; but at 250,000 miles away, you don't notice the speed of either your car OR the Moon.

Convex mirrors fitted to a car makes following cars appear to be?

Further away (smaller) than they actually are.

Which move faster your family car or the moon?

the moon moves faster than a car

I got a ticket for following a car two closely at 50mph. Will my insurance rate go up?

Following to closely is considered a "Moving Violation". Moving violations are used as a rating factor for premium purposes. In short " Likely yes"

Who is the living on the moon?

Astronauts!But if you look closely at the moon you might see the moon's face!Funny huh?Also if you are in the car you can also see the moon following you but it is not!

Is a car faster than the moon?

no the moon is faster