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Because the sun can only shine on one half at a time. This is true enough, but not a complete reason. Mercury appears in half phase because its orbit is located between the Earth and the Sun. It is so close to the Sun as viewed from Earth that it is most easily seen and photographed when it is in it's most lateral position to the Sun; the position in which it is illuminated in half phase. As it moves around the orbital arc, the angular separation from the Sun's disk quickly becomes so small that viewing any other phases is difficult or impossible without very specialized equipment. The reflected light from Mercury is overwhelmed by the brightness of the Sun.

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Q: Why does the photograph of mercury always half?
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Half a Photograph was created in 1952.

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Mercury although it is almost always half melted, is a terrestrial planet.

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Why is half of mercury extremely hot and other extremely cold?

Since the planet is so close to the sun it is tidally locked. That means it won't spin. So one half is always facing the hot sun and one half is always facing the cold darkness of space.

What planet has half of Mercury's diameter?

Mercury is the smallest planet, so there isn't one with half the diameter.

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Mercury is always the closest planet to our sun.

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No. The gravity on Mercury is less than half that of Earth.

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According to NASA the size of Mercury is 2440 km radius. And it is almost a half the size of the Earth. Because Earth size is 6372 km radius. Meaning the Mercury is about 1/3 the size of the Earth.

Can happiness be saved?

In a way. You can always remember happy times. You could also video or photograph events.