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Cotton requires a longer growing season and hotter weather than is present in the North - it doesn't do well if the temperature drops below 60 °F (~15 °C) and thrives in temperatures around 90 °F (~32 °C). Cotton simply will not thrive in the the colder temperatures present most of the year in the North. It also requires a fairly long growing season - again, a problem in the North. Most cotton growing regions fit the description of hot and fairly long growing season - Southeastern US, Egypt, India, etc.

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Q: Why does the south grow cotton and the north doesn't?
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Why did factories grow in the north instead of the south where cotton is grown?

because well the north was more city like then the south

How did the different geography of the north and south contribute to the outbreak of the civil war and the north's success during the war?

The north doesn't grow cotton, but, it has a lot of industry. The south's use of cotton, (and their need of slaves), and their limited industry helped lead to the civil war and the south's defeat.

Does cotton grow on farms?

Yeah cotton farms in the south.

Why couldn't the North grow cotton during the US Civil War?

The growing of cotton requires a relatively warm climate. This the South had in places like Alabama and Georgia. The North, however, was allowed to buy cotton from the South during the war by the special permit issued by the US Treasury.

Why was cotton the major driving force of the south?

agriculture was the souths major economic value. due to the rich soil in the south, and the abundance of slaves in the south, cotton was very easy to grow, and was valuable to the north, which was based mainly on cities and factories, causing cotton th be a major driving force of the south.

What goods did the South grow?

Cotton and Penuts

Do they still grow cotton in the south?


Where do they grow cotton in Texas?

In south Texas! (:

Does cotton grow in the US?

Yes, cotton grows in the US. remember when people had slaves, they grew cotton in the south. we can probably still grow cotton, but slaves don't grow it anymore, farmers do.

Type of cotton that could be grown in much of the south?

The cotton gin made it profitable to grow short staple cotton across the South. Previously, it had only been profitable to grow long staple cotton on the seal islands.

When did slavery grow in the south?

after the cotton gin was invented

South was based on agricutlure why?

When the southern colonies were formed, Britain was getting big into textiles. The South was an ideal place to grow cotton. The North was not as suitable for crop production, especially cotton and sugar cane. These were the primary high-demand crops that kept the South in agriculture.