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It does not burn as we think of burning on earth's surface. The Sun is so hot, about 5500 Celsius at the surface and 16 million at the core that only gas and hotter states of matter can exist there.

There is no flammable material there and if you know, 98% of gas there are hydrogen and helium, so there isn't enough oxygen there for things to burn.

So how does it shine?

Deuterium and Tritium Hydrogen Atoms, those found in hydrogen bombs, merge to form helium, an energetic neutron and energy in the source of light and heat.

So many reactions take place that the sun is converting 4 billion tonnes of hydrogen into helium and vast amounts of energy every second, sending vast amounts of light, heat over the 15 billion kilometer journey from the sun right to earth.

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Right here on earth! What do you think a "sun burn" is?

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Burn Back the Sun was created in 2006.

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The saying the sun will burn the fog off but how?

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When was Trying to Burn the Sun created?

Trying to Burn the Sun was created in 1975-01.

What chemical does the sun burn?

The sun fuses hydrogen in its core. It does not burn it in the sense we are familiar with.

How close do you have to the be to the sun to burn?

you have to stay here on Earth have you ever hear of a sun burn.

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Sun Burn itch is when you have a sunburn and it starts to itch badly.

If you don't have the layers of the atmosphere what will happen to us?

we would burn to death from the sun. we would probably run out of air too