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Answer One

Here's what happened:

Several things happened to the eggshell while it was soaking in the vinegar. The vinegar is an acid and it caused the shell material to breakdown into two different materials. One is carbon dioxide bubbles that were released into the air. The other material is lime. The lime remains in the solution. Also, the appearance of the shell changes asa result of this chemical reaction. This is a fairly common process.It happens in nature a lot, creating limestone caves. This chemical reaction also attacks your teeth. Yuck! Makes you want to go brush your teeth!

Answer Two

Soaking an egg in vinegar dissolves the calcium carbonate in the shell* leaving the flexible membrane. The egg might bounce but will more likely simply splatter.

*Acetic acid reacts with calcium carbonate to produce carbon dioxide gas and water-soluble calcium acetate.

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Q: Why does vinegar make an egg bounce?
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the answer is no it can not it is not a factor vinegar can only

Does an egg bounce after it has been soaked in vinegar for twenty-four hours?

Yes. Yes an egg will bounce if put in vinegar

What is the hypothesis of the bouncy egg?

If The egg soaks in White Vinegar then the White vinegare will make the egg bounce the highest.

What is the concluision to making a bouncy egg?

to make an egg bounce just keep the egg in a bowl of vinegar for two days

How do you make eggs bounce?

You soak an egg in vinegar for 2 days. When you take it out after two days it should bounce. If it dosen't put it back in the vinegar for 1 more day.

Can eggs bounce and how?

Soak the egg in vinegar for about 2 days then carefully bounce it in a sink or another place where if it cracked it would be easy to clean. Or you might want to measure the height of how your going to bounce it. If it's higher then 6 '' it'll crack instintly.

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What is the purpose of bouncing egg experiment?

If The egg soaks in White Vinegar then the White vinegare will make the egg bounce the highest.

Can eggs bounce?

yes if you keep it in vinegar for 7-8 days. the acids in vinegar break down the calcium carbonate in egg making the egg soft and rubbery. it can bounce then

What happens to the yolk inside the egg in vinegar?

the yolk will get white and it will bounce

How long does an egg stay in white vinegar for it to bounce?

it takes 24hrs