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it is a territorial behavior. if the cat smells something it doesnt like, or is in a new environment that is unfamiliar to it, it has to "claim" its territory. it is a natural instinct. if you have an old cat, it could have a bladder problem it happens a lot and should be examined by a vet.

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15y ago

Your cat could be playing in the litter box and they could be hitting litter all over the place. Also, when they walk out of the litter box, some litter could be stuck in their fur(if they have fur) or in their paws. Answer My male cat thought the litterbox was bathroom + sandbox for him... He'd fling his stuff out of the litterbox FOR FUN! ( I caught him do it - you can SEE "fun" written all over his eyes while doing it). And sometimes they get impatient and just run out of litter box and that can fling litter all directions. You can get covered litterbox to avoid the accidents at least. If it's harder for them to play with litter, they won't play with them. That's why I got top-entry litter box. After they got used to it, I put this litterbox on top of a cheap carpet/rug type thing I bought for $30 somewhere. It's about 3 times the coverage of carpet compared to the top of the litterbox surface area. So Not only my cat has to climb up to the top layer of the box (top entry) and the ripple on the cover catches some litter, but also when he jumps off, the additional litter gets caught on the cheap rug/catpet material. And less litter everywhere else! It's inevitable if he gets litter on his fur and paws and butt... Just have to try to catch as much as possible without him spreading litter material everywhere. It also sometimes has to do with the type of litter you use, too, and cat's temperament. My new kitten thinks it's absolutely funny to fling out the litter as well. Since this kitten is way too small to use top entry box (He could jump up there, but he may just end up going bathroom elsewhere if the accessing the litter box is too bothersome). So instead, I had this big big box without the top (u can cut out the top I guess) with taller walls, and cut one side of the box like a opening. Then the cat started going in there using only that side and tracks less litter out sinde whatever he flings/kicks off still remains in the box. Sometimes he does jump up over the wall to get out of it though (he is growing), I'm thinking of putting a rooftop with rest of paper box material so he HAS TO use the cut-out opening (the box is considerably bigger than the littebox so he has to "walk out" of it.

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16y ago

Cats urinate around the house to mark their teritory. It's their way of saying 'this is mine.'

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if you have a cat of the opposite sex to the spraying cat they will be trying to impress the other one and they are also warning off other cats telling them that the other cat is theirs

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they like to mark territory. if boy get it neutered.

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they are marking their territory!

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Q: Why does your cat spray all over the house?
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If you get a female cat will it spray in your house if it is the only cat in the house?

Answer: Only male cats spray so you won't have any trouble with your female cat.Answer:Actually, both genders will, and do, spray. An intact (not neutered) female cat usually doesn't spray as much as an intact male, but they will spray to advertise themselves to any passing male that they are on heat and ready to mate.If your cat is spayed, and hasn't got any history of spraying, then it is very unlikely that she will spray at all.

How do you clean house to prevent cat allergies after cats were in the house.?

Vacuuming and spraying with a antiallergy spray with prevent cat allergies.

What does it mean when your cat pi's all over your house?

all your cat is doing is telling u whats his so he obviously owns your house

How can you get a neutered declawed inside Bengal cat to stop spraying peeing everywhere please help?

There is a special kind of spray that 'repels' cats, you spray it on carpets furn, etc. we use BOUNDARY INDOOR/OUTDOOR CAT REPELLENT. Note: This is really only if your cat has 'special' places where it sprays. You don't want to spray this stuff all over your house. Or, you could do what my friends did, which seemed to work. They made their cat live outside/in garage until it stopped. Beyond that, there isn't anything you can do.

Why does your cat pi all over your house?

It's either sick or marking it's turf.

I have 2 year old male cat who isn't fixed yet if I bring home a female cat that's fixed will my male cat spray?

yes it will b/c it will show that he marks his territtory i had a cat that wasn't nutured and it used to spray all over the place so i got it nutured and then it stop so i recommende that u nuture it

Will fixing your cat stop it from peeing in the house?

No, not necessarily, it is called spraying and it is usually caused by stress. the best way to stop your cat from spraying is to reduce stress. The stress could be related to moving, a new baby or a new cat or other animal. Your cat wont spray forever as long as you try to help it feel less stressed out.

How do you get cat spray off another cat?

Dumb Cat Anti-Marking and Cat Spray Remover. It contains no enzymes and is formulated to work on cats fur. It even gets out Skunk Spray better than any product for skunk spray.

How do you keep cats away from ferns?

All you have to do is spray your cat with water when he or she goes for it.

What if your cat puked all over your mobile phone then you tried antibacterial wipes but can still smell it so how can you make it clean and safe to use again?

Spray it with lysol.

What should you do for an 11 year old female cat that has always peed all over the house?

Try buying a citrus spray and spraying it in all the spots she goes she is not supposed to. Cats hate citrus, and she should quickly get the message. If you just got her from a shelter and she had always done that in her former homes, you have to litter train her.

Will a cat die from ingesting tick spray?

It depends how much tick spray the cat ingested, and which specific tick spray it was. It certainly would not be good for the cat. I would strongly recommend taking the cat and the tick spray can to the vet, as the vet is more likely to be able to find the effects of the specific active chemicals on the cat's system.