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Because your cat is enticed by the bird. My cat often sits by the window to watch birds and squirrels. Tail twitching is a normal activity.

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Q: Why does your cat twitch her tail when she sees a bird outside?
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Why cats tail always stand up?

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Why do cats twitch tail?

It's possible but mostly they just move it...

What is your cat saying if it wags its tail?

Cats don't really "wag their tails". If your cat is lashing its tail from side to side, it's probably upset about something. A cat may twitch the tip of its tail, which is somewhat different; it doesn't seem to really mean anything other than "I can twitch the tip of my tail, so I think I'll do that." That's not entirely true; cats usually twitch the tip of their tails when they are hunting.

Why does my cat's tail shake when she sees me or when I pet her?

Your cat's tail may quiver when she sees you because she is trembling with excitement. When a cat sees a bird or mouse their tail sometimes will quiver in excitement. A quivering tail in response to petting is a nervous system reaction to the unusual stimulation. In addition to all of those things an intact male cat quivers his tail while holding it high as he stands in preparation to spray a urine mark in his territory.

What is a bird that has a tail like a fan?

the bird that has a tail like a fan is called a 'Peacock'

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a bird is a bird

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Why does my cats tail act wild?

if your'e saying it flicks and swings wildly side to side, you cat is angry or it wants something. if its outside and their tail flicks, it sees something it wants to hunt cats have different emotions :D

Do stingrays twitch their tail when they are scared?

yes they do it is their equivalent of a cats hair standing up when they are nervous

Which bird is known for its tail?


What is the name of the bird with a showy tail?

angry bird because he/she is angry