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Your family settings may be enabled, find the password for it, then set user content enabled to everyone.

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Most likely because you have not purchased the map pack.

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Q: Why does your halo reach game say maps not available?
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How do you download maps on halo reach?

Go to game marketplace, go to game add-ons and look for Halo Reach. You need to be with Xbox live if your not.

How do you load maps on halo reach?

you get it as a certain disc at game it has mappack on it

Does Halo Combat Evolved Anniversary have infection in it?

The game has all of the halo reach gametypes on it, just with new maps. Infection is on.

Can you still play normal maps in halo reach?

you can still play on maps but they're not the same as halo 1,2,3 or odst halo combat evolved and halo 2 is the only game so far with the same map on the game (blood gulch)except halo2's blood gulch map is updated but the maps can be simmillar to other halo games maps like how the ice map in number 3 is kind of like sidewinder. and on halo reach you can also do forge wich allows you to edit the maps - hope this helps -

Can you download the halo ce maps to halo reach?

as part of the release of Halo Combat Evolved Anniversary a few maps for matchmaking were released for Halo Reach I think the dlc is about 1200 Microsoft points

How do you download halo reach map packs to anniversary?

You can download Anniversary Maps to Halo: Reach but not to Anniversary.

Can halo reach and Halo Combat Evolved anniversary connect with each other on xbox live?

Basically, halo anniversary comes with a disc and a dlc codefor the anniversary maps, so essentially it just adds maps to the halo reach game, like any other dlc there. Concluding you can conmect to each other.

Will you be able to make physical maps in halo reach?

i do belive there will be a forge to make maps like Halo 3 did.

How many map are there on the halo reach beta?

The Halo Reach Beta will include four maps. You can read about them here.

Is Halo 3 the same as halo reach?

Nope it is NOT basicly the same. This game's art direction is AMAZING, there are new weapons, none of the maps are the same, better physics, forge 2.0, the campaign is different, and it is my favorite game ever of all time. If you have the money, BUY THIS GAME! (If you have an XBOX360 that is)

Can you use a Halo 3 map pack in halo reach?

No because they have made new maps and it's an entire new game, also it's before the first halo we have ever played.

How can you download Halo 3 forge maps etc onto halo reach?

you cant >:(