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Maybe you should take over taking care of her older babies and cut her access to them. She wants to look after them and feed all of them, she must be an excellent mother.

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Q: Why does your momma cat keep moving her baby cats into your other momma cats box with her older kittens and how can you stop her from doing it?
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Related questions

What is the behavior of kittens?

There usually playfull but when they get older they get lazier.

When should you let your cats older kittens around her new babies?

you can let the older kittens around the new babies when the babies are around 4 to 6 weeks old

Why does your kitten suck on his tail?

It could be a game, it's hungry, or maybe doing it for comfort. Kittens usually suckle on blankets and clothes when they have been taken from their mother too soon (10 weeks is considered the minimum age, as 8 weeks is too young). Some kittens will grow out of this as they grow older.

Is it safe to keep the first litter of kittens with the second litter of kittens?

It would depend on how far apart the litters were born. If they were born fairly close together, it might be okay. Otherwise, no. The younger kittens could not handle the roughhousing the older kittens are used to.

How much Advantage can be used on kittens 8 weeks old?

Advantage is labeled by the manufacturer for cats and kittens 7 weeks and older. Under direction of a veterinarian, you can often use it on kittens 4 weeks and older. Fleas are extremely dangerous to kittens, and cause tapeworms, anemia, and other health problems.

What is a young girl chasing older guys called?

I've heard we are called kittens :)

Is it possible for a cat to only deliver 1 kitten or could she deliver more later?

She can have as many kittens as she wants. It would be better to stop breeding her at an older age because the older the cat is when it has kittens, the more problems could occur.

Your older cat dont get along with your new kitten?

make sure you give your older cat plenty of alone time without the kittens -with you. your older cat may be feeling replaced with a newer version of herself. I had a Siamese who would hide under my bed until i locked the kittens out of my room for the night.

How is possible that a mother cat have 3 kittens and then have three Moore a couple months later and be different ages?

Well, of coarse since the first 3 kittens were born they will be older by a couple months than the new 3 kittens. :)

What do kittens do when they are alone?

when kittens are very young they sleep when they are alone. once they get older they will find some way to entertain themself.if you leave out a cat toy they will mostlikely play with it and then sleep.

Is it ok that your cat had two kittens or should you be expecting more?

It is perfectly normal for a cat to have only two kittens. Sometimes a cat will have only one kitten. Usually a cat will have fewer kittens in her first litter, and when she is older she will have a larger litter.

What about care of mother and kittens after kittens are born?

just leave the mother and the kittens leave fresh water and food out for her. don't touch the kittens until the kittens can walk at least or if the mother cat trusts you and doesn't get mad and start hissing, you can probably play with the kittens at an earlier time. When the kittens get older only leave water and they will start to drink it. Never give milk to kittens when they are still small because they sometimes have an allergic reaction that could possibly kill them. hope this helps.