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The dog has ants in her feces because she has an ant colony inside the stomach enjoying the free food and etc. One day there will be ants coming out the mouth,eyes,and eventually the skin. Enjoy! Stupid Question gets a Stupid Answer

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Q: Why does your pregnant dog have ants in her feces?
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Does dog feces attract ANTS?

no. only if the fence is like a fruit smell then it will

How small is ants feces?

really really small

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What makes a dog vomit after eating ants?

The movement of ants in a dog's stomach may cause them to vomit after eating ants. When a dog ingest ants, to them, it may feel like a tickling sensation, which causes them to vomit.

How can you stop your dog from eating mini piglet feces?

You are not going to be able to do this unless you simply keep the dog away from the feces. Why? Because to the dog the feces is a treat and taste good. The good news is that as long as the mini piglet is healthy, its feces is healthy, too, and it won't hurt the dog. Just make sure the dog has access to it's own good food, which is, of course, more nutritious than the feces. Then you can thank the dog for cleaning up the feces for you - just don't let him kiss you right afterward.

If a dog eats ants what will happen?

if a dog eats ants its perfectly fine dogs eat everything

What can dog feces do to you?

make you ill

Why does your dog have orange feces?

Dog 4 yeears old light oraange and light brown feces shepard husky mixm/

Is human feces worse than dog feces?

Yes, to humans, human feces is generally worse than dog feces. See, other species don't get all the same diseases that we do, and we cannot contract everything they can. However, dog feces is bad enough. A little girl in the UK received and eye injury and then fell in some dog excrement. The feces caused her eye to become severely infected, and she ended up losing that eye.

What are blue-green worms in dog feces?

Because your dog is sick.

Does cat feces cause blindnes in children?

No, it is only dangerous to pregnant women. Toxoplasma in cat feces can cause blindness to unborn children, if a pregnant mother gets it.

Can a dog get hookworm from another dog?

Yes. It can spread through feces. If you're dog likes to play in the litter box, he could get the feces on his/her paws, and then lick them. BAM! your dog has hookworm.