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In their natural environment, a lot of reptiles time - is spent basking in sunlight - either to raise its temperature in readiness for hunting, or to aid in digesting a freshly-eaten meal. Since they don't really need to move around constantly, they simply spend a good deal of time 'sleeping'.

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Q: Why doesn't my corn snake move round in his tank?
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Why doesn't my corn snake move around in his tank?

Maybe hes dead.

How long does it have to be until you move a corn snake that just ate?

try four hours. that will give the snake some time to digest the food properly.

How fast can a corn snake slither?

My Corn Snake is quite slow, normally moving in a zig-zag pattern when moving in an open area, frequently stopping to 'sense the air'. I dare say if he was feeling threatened he would move much faster, probably in a straight line ! You can see a video clip of him moving on youtube, under corn snake slither.

How snake move?

snake have not animals like in move flexible

Do California kingsnakes like water?

to get a kingsnake in the water you first have to ejaculate onto your hand then rub it on the snake.then you must insert the snake up your rectum.let him move a round a bit then the snake will be ready for some water

Can a snake move in a straight line?

no a snake cannot move in a straight line as its bones are not stretchable_^^^^^^^^^^&

How do corn snakes move?

Corn snakes are constrictors. They first attack by biting their prey. Although they are nonvenomous this helps hold the prey in place while the wrap around it with tight coils, squeezing it until it can no longer breathe.

A part that does not move in pulley?

if it is a fixed pulley, itself doesnt move. If it is a rotating pulley, its joint probably doesnt move.

Can snake move sinuously?


Why does a dead snake move?

They move when they are dead because they are digusting

Is it bad to move a snake from a 20 gallon tank to a 50 gallon then back to a 20 gallon again?

It might not be good to move a snake from a bigger tank to a smaller one. The snake will need room to move as it grows.

What should you do if you saw a snake?

just be silent and wait for the snake to move and then go