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If it's an older ferret, he may have not been properly socialized, what that means that when a ferret is a baby, you need to handle and play with them as much as possible, so they will be comfortable around people. Sometimes loud noises will scare a ferret, make sure he's in a quiet environment If you have just moved or if you have just bought it, you would want him to adapt to his new environment.

If he's not new then maybe he just wants to be handled carefully like being stroked and praised a lot of the time.

If he doesn't like to play then you should just allow him to do what he wants because he needs to know that he has freedom and that you can control and take care of him. If your ferret has been playing and for some reason his habits changed, he may be ill. Anytime a ferret is acting different from their normal behaivor, is acting lethargic, or has no motivation, please take him to the veterinarian, it could be something serious and needing prompt attention. A sick ferret can go downhill very rapidly, and depending on the illness, can sometimes die within a weeks time.

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Q: Why doesn't your ferret like playing he just runs to one spot?
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Why did Hitler kill a ferret?

Because the Ferret looked just like your mother.

What is it called when a ferret has babies?

Ferret babies are called "Kits" just like baby cats!

Your dog is constantly holding your ferret down and putting her mouth over the ferret but not actually biting is she playing or trying to hurt her?

It sounds like your dog is playing by mouthing with your ferret. Mouthing and biting is how they learn as puppies playing with other puppies. There are variations in a dog's behavoir depending on the breed. Remember that a dog can kill a ferret very easily, even if he's only playing. Your dog needs to be trained that this is unacceptable behavoir with your ferret, otherwise you need to keep them separated. A ferret can bite pretty hard and may bring out instinct in your dog to harm your ferret. Never leave a ferret unsupervised with any other animals.

How do you scruff a ferret?

You scruff a ferret by holding the layer of fat that is around the back of its neck just like you scruff a cat.

How do you deal with a women who has rejected you?

well, if she rejected u, it just means shes playing games or she just isn't into you. I suggest you should confront her about it. If she really just doesnt like you, find a new girl. Act like it doesnt bother you, and she will probably come back to you.

Does a ferret like to smoke?

A ferret does not smoke

If a girl u like flirts with u and she says she doesnt like u does she really mean she does like u?

She could. Or she could just be playing you. Especially if she knows you like her. She could just be playing a game with you and has no intentions of ever getting involved. It sucks, but some girls are like that.

What do you give a ferret to fatten it?

A ferret should always be fed a diet appropriate for their nutritional needs like a dry kibble ferret food. If your ferret is not eating the correct diet, they will suffer from malnutrition. If your ferret is just not eating, it may be caused by an underlying medical condition that needs attention. Your ferret needs an examination by a veterinarian.

What s' a ferret?

A ferret is a mammal it looks like a little like a big long mouse.

Why do ferrets act weird when a new one is introduced into its cage?

What do you mean by "weird?" Ferrets have a pecking order, much like dogs. If you have multiple ferrets and you introduce a new one, the dominant ferret and the new ferret will likely "wrestle" for dominance. If you introduce a new ferret to an older ferret who is not used to having company in his cage then the older ferret just may reject the new ferret altogether. Or it may just take him a while to warm up to having a new playmate.

What are some fun things you can do with your ferret and how do you leash train?

Just let your ferret run around the house! Make sure it is ferret-proofed though!! Get some toys for your ferret to play with, you can also get a companion for your ferret {make sure he/she is spayed/neutured}! Sounds like she is not used to the harness, start with just a wearing a collar around the house first, then try to harness, distract her or give treats to get her used to it before taking her outside.

Should you play with a pet ferret?

Yes. Pet ferrets love human interaction and will quickly bond with you. If you own one ferret on its own then you should spend at least 2-3hrs a day playing and interacting with the ferret to prevent it becoming lonely or bored