

Why drug and alcoholic abuse their love ones?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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14y ago

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Because they are messed up people.

They need HELP.

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Q: Why drug and alcoholic abuse their love ones?
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drug passive.. it is also known as drug abuse :)

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there are the illegal drugs like cocaine, heroin, marijuana and meth and the legal ones that need medical prescription as xanax, percocet, and the such.

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Drug abuse is when person uses a drug on purpose with negative side effects whereas drug misuse is when a person improperly uses a drug that cause negative side effects. -- Drug abuse, like alcohol abuse, is when you use a drug excessively, to the detriment of your physical or mental health. Misuse is when a drug is not used properly, such as taking the wrong dose, or using the wrong drug for the wrong purpose. For instance, taking antibiotics for a cold. Since colds are caused by viruses, and antibiotics only work for bacterial infections, that would be a misuse of antibiotics.

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Sure. They're the ones under the lamp shades.Seriously, alcoholism has nothing to do with where or how you drink. When you need alcohol to function normally (or what sort of passes for normally) you're an alcoholic, regardless of the details. It's just another addiction to an especially harmful drug.

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cloths dont fall love diddent need the pain ones or twice was a noth

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If ones boyfriend is very possessive and does not let her have friends and go anywhere is that abusive?

These are all signs of abuse and red flags of abusive personality. You won't be able to stop this person, since they see nothing wrong with their behavior. It will only get worse with time. You say you love him. Most abuse victims do love their victims, however they do not know love. Their belief of love is different than what love really is. Love is not jealous, possessive, controlling, demanding, restrictive, and mostly abusive! Love and abuse do not co-exist together. Love also takes responsibility for ones actions, words, and behaviors. Love realizes we are not perfect people, and loves the person anyway beyond their shortcomings. Your partner does not love you this way and deep inside you know something doesn't feel right but you can't point to what it is exactly. Remember, it won't get better with time and you cannot change an abuser or any other person. God Bless Possessiveness is a form of abuse and control.