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well, i think its because the egg is made of calcium carbonate and the acid in the vinegar dissolves the shell because they do not cooperate.

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Vinegar is actually acetic acid(ethanoic acid). The outer layer of egg is made up of calcium carbonate. It reacts with acid and dissolves in it. The left over egg seems to be rubbery.

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Q: Why egg become rubbery when soaked in vinegar?
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What causes eggs become rubbery?

If it bounces then you probably overcooked it they are rubbery though^yes...but If you soak the egg in white vinegar for 48-72 hours, the shell will disolve the leave the membranes intact. The membranes make the egg rubbery and will in turn bounce(it'll feel like a bouncy ball)

Why does an egg turn bouncy when soaked in vinigar?

It does not necessarily turn it into rubber, but vinegar does dissolve the shell of the egg leaving the membranes intact, which may seem rubbery but it is simply an egg without a shell.

What liquids are best for making an egg's shell rubbery?

White vinegar is the best liquid for making an egg shell rubbery. The vinegar must be changed daily to prevent mold from growing on the egg shell.

What is the point of soaking an egg in vinegar?

to turn it into a rubbery substance and to preserve it

What reaction happens when an egg is soaked in vinegar?

The eggs won't react, it is the vinegar that acts on the egg. The acid in the vinegar will corrode the calcium in the egg shell, causing the egg to become soft, like rubber.

What happens when you put eggs in vinegar?

If you put a raw egg in vinegar the egg shell will disolve and will leave the whole inside rubbery. This happens from acetic acid. Acitic acid is used as a solven in rubber, plastic, is chief acid of vinegar. (you could hear more about acetic acid if you ask a Qustion about it.)

Does an egg last longer soaked in vinegar or water?


Does an egg bounce after it has been soaked in vinegar for twenty-four hours?

Yes. Yes an egg will bounce if put in vinegar

What will happen to a quail egg if its soaked in vinegar?

The shell of the quail egg will come off

Why when you put egg in the vinger it get hard?

Never heard that I always thought vinegar made it rubbery

Why does a egg go bouncy when you put it in vinegar?

The vinegar makes the egg soft because, the vinegar has a chemical reaction due to the Carbon Dioxide in the vinegar which has an effect on the egg. That's why the egg's shell dissolves off, and the egg gets soft.Correction:A raw egg will NOT bounce when dropped into vinegar. The egg must sit in vinegar for about 24 hours, so that the vinegar will react with the carbon dioxide in the egg shell, before the egg will become soft and rubbery. See link below.

Can eggs bounce?

yes if you keep it in vinegar for 7-8 days. the acids in vinegar break down the calcium carbonate in egg making the egg soft and rubbery. it can bounce then