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== == Because a lot of people get married with the person they think they are meant to be with. When in reality they're not. Very few couples these days are meant to be together alot of them get together out of fear.

because western people do not seem to want to work at being married its easier to say im not going to give in to my mate, than to work as a team member. give and take.

Answer love is proved to run out over time and people don't act the same when there in love. this is why people get married and after the love is gone say your not the person i knew before. few relation ships keep the love for ever that why the if people argue a lot the someone will often say your just like a married old couple. (06/13/09) It is a statistical fact that relationships involving people who co-habitat and/or get married prior to age 24 account for 85% of divorces.

Biologically, this is when females reach full mature on the physical, emotional, and hormonal levels. At this point, a woman is fully prepared to have and handle children, as well as a male that is still not fully mature.

Males don't reach full physical and hormonal maturity until age 30. This is also when they reach their peak emotional maturity, but not to the point of being fully independent. Half of the male emotional health comes from a woman. The biochemical frequency range of the male brain adjusts itself to match that of the female, developing an emotional symbiotic relationship.

Couples who begin cohabiting and/or get married prior to age 24 can find themselves drawing away from each other as each reaches full maturity. Their whole view of the world, and each other, changes. This doesn't happen to all couples, but clearly it is a factor in most relationship breakdowns.

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Q: Why have Western marriages failed because overwhelming evidence supports that over 50 percent of couples divorce?
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