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Q: Why in a bursen burner one flame is hotter than the other?
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Can you measure the temperature of a flame of a Bunsen burner using a thermometer?

Yes, and No. You will get an inaccurate number since of air temperature and a few variables, but it will be relatively close. I do not recommend this, because a few things may happen, and even some I do not even know of. The thermometer will get hot and melt. Or explode. And many other things can happen.

What is heat and why do some thing things feel hotter than others?

Heat is the average kinetic energy (or energy of movement) of the atomic or molecular constituents of the substance in question. On the sub-microscopic scale, everything vibrates, and the faster the vibration, the higher the temperature. If you have two objects of the same temperature but one feels hotter than the other, it is because the one that feels hotter is a better conductor of heat. If the heat flows faster, the object will feel hotter.

Why does thermal energy always move from an object with lower temperature to an object with higher temperature?

It doesn't. It's the other way round. Particles in the hotter object are vibrating faster than those in the cooler one. When they collide with each other energy is shared, increasing the temperature of the cooler object and decreasing that of the hotter one.

Why might the left side of your Weber gas grill be hotter than the right?

Can't help but wonder if it was always this way. It is improbable that there is a problem with the valves, but there might be. The heart of the flow control, other than the valve, is the actual jet in the gas outflow to the venturi. Let's look at that. There is an insert, a jet, in each venturi mouth that has a hole of fixed dimension in it. When the burner control valve is fully open, it is this jet that sets a limit on the maximum gas flow into the venturi, where the gas and air are mixed before being fed through the tube to the burner head. Bugs can sometimes set up shop in there during a BBQ's "off season" if it has one. Make sure the jet and venturi are clean and clear.

What would be observed if the flame tests were viewed through a spectroscope?

Emission spectrum of the elements placed in the flame. The flame test is usually applied when Sodium, Potassium or other such metals are thought to be present since they give a very noticeable result - Sodium gives orange colour to the flame (as it does to sodium street lighting!) - Potassium gives a lilac colour etc

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Why the tempr of tip of flame is hotter than other zones?

Because heat rises. That means the top of the flame would br holding 99% of the heat. That is why the tip is hotter than other areas og the flame.

Why is safety flame on Bunsen burner not safe?

Because even though it is safer than other flames it is still a flame and it can burn you. It is so called the "safety flame" because it is visible (yellow) and so we have a visual reminder that the Bunsen burner is burning. Compared with the usual flame (blue) which is hard to see.

Is the temperature of a luminous flame greater or less than that of a nonluminous flame?

a non-luminous flame- when the air hole of the Bunsen Burner is open"when the air hole is open, more oxygen can enter the burner; therefore, hotter flame will be produced."its color is transparent or blueBlue flames are the hottest flamesa luminous flame is produced when the air hole is closed.."if the air hole is closed, oxygen cannot enter the burner; therefore, least hotter because the combustion is not fully complete with least oxygenA luminous flame has an outer of orange color and an inner of blue.Luminous flames emits more light than non-luminous flames.three things to produce flame1.fuel2.oxygen3.friction or source of sparkLuminous objects emit light. The sun is luminous; the moon is non-luminous.

Is green fire hotter then blue fire?

Assuming we're not throwing ions into the flame and the color is due strictly to temperature, the blue flame is hotter.The problem is that flames can be different colors for reasons other than temperature. Specifically, they may contain ionized materials with strong emission lines that color the flame. Probably the easiest example to observe using ordinary household materials is sodium which gives an orangish yellow color (easily seen by dropping a few crystals of table salt into the flame of a gas stove).The reason that hotter flames are blue is that blue light is more energetic than red light. A hotter flame has more energy, and therefore generates more energetic light.

Why do you need to know witch flame is nosier on a Bunsen burner?

so when you leave the room the bunsen is in the nosier flame (roaring flame)tells the other people that the bunsen is on and they wouldn't burn themselfs

Why is flame test very not accurate?

A flame test is not very accurate because the other chemicals that you are testing will fall into your Bunsen burner creating a contaminated flame. Therefore you may see mixed colorations in the flame and get a negative reading for your chemicals color

What does a wing tip do in the lab?

It can either spread a Bunsen burner flame or cause the other chemists to comment that you are over-dressed.

What is the function of fish tail as a laboratory apparatus?

inserted to a Bunsen or gas burner to spread the flame. other definitions say it's for drilling.

What is the function of the Gas inlet of the Bunsen burner?

The inlet valve at the bottom is used to draw oxygen in from the environment so that the flame burns more efficiant and hotter. If closed the flame will be an orange colour and will leave a sooty deposit due to the gas not oxidizeing compleately.

Why should a lit Bunsen burner never be left unattended?

It is dangerous as other people may just place their hand or other objects over the Bunsen burner causing injuries or burns, especially if it is a non-luminous flame which makes it difficult to tell that the burner is actually lit. You should always switch off the Bunsen burner before leaving to prevent injuries to others and yourself.

What causes the Bunsen burner flame to be noisy?

There are actually two flames that appear one is yellow & other is blue. And the blue flame makes more noise than the yellow.I think it is the sound of air rushing through the vents to get to the flame. The reason you get the yellow flame is that the gas is not burning completely. It is when you open up the vents that the flame is adjusted to blue.

Why does a Bunsen burner have different temperatures on the flame?

The basic fuel to a Bunsen burner is a hydro carbon which on heating breaks the carbon bond with other elements with differentiated calorific value and combustion with oxygen. This results in different zones with differentiated temperature