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Q: Why iodine test is negative with starch?
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How starch can give a negative iodine test?

Starch can give a negative iodine test when starch is mixed with iodine in water. The iodine gets stuck in the coils of beta amylase molecules and the starch forces the iodine atoms into a linear arrangement in the central groove of the coil.

Why would a negative iodine test for starch indicate a positive result for the enzymatic degradation of starch by amylase?

Perhaps the iodine solution was old and gave a false negative.

What is the chermical you test for starch?

Starch has high affinity for Iodine and in presence of iodine crystals starch turns blue from being colourless. This the fundamental that is used for chemically identifying the starch.

What substance is used to test for starch?

The presence of starch can be tested with the help of Iodine. Similarly Benedict's test solution is also used to detect the presence of starch.

Which colour indicate a negetive test when starch is absent?

If you're using iodine, a negative test will be the color of the iodine solution, which should be a brownish color.

What is the purpose for iodine test?

The Iodine test is used to test for the presence of starch.

What does iodine detect?

The iodine test is used to test for starch. It reacts with starch to produce a purple blackish color.

What organic molecule does iodine test for?

They test for carbohydrates. The Iodine reagent tests for starch. The Benedict's reagent tests for small sugars. Most carbohydrates are are made of sugar, and starch is a type of carbohydrate.

What is the chemical used to test for the presence of starch?

The chemical used to test for the presence of starch is iodine.

What chemical reagent tests for starch?

The simplest test is the iodine test.

What substance does Iodine test for?

carbohydrates, for one

Why use iodine solution to test for starch?

The test is positive with starch because the iodine takes up a position in the centre of the starch helix which is blue black.