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Q: Why is Hungarian police in the ghetto?
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What was the OD Jewish ghetto police?

The Jewish ghetto police secured the deportation of Jewish people to the concentration camps. They were also not permitted to carry weapons.

What were guards inside the ghetto called?

Jewish police

What does the Hungarian police do in the book night?

refusing to go to the the ghettosThe GestapoThe Hungarian lieutenant held out the basket

Was there guards in the ghettos?

not usually, general order was maintained by the ghetto police.

How did weisle say he felt about the Hungarian police?

cool and sad

This political party was formed to fight against police brutality in the ghetto?

black panther

What political party was formed to fight against police brutality in the ghetto?

Black Panthers

How did the Hungarian police treat the Jews as they told them the time had come?

The Hungarian police was actually two different forces (like the urban and state) who were competing to be the most efficient in the eyes of their German supervisors. As a result they did not stop for niceties.

Why where the Jewish police in the ghetto called flops?

The flop were German police in the world war II. They guarded the ghettos but i am not sure why they called them flops.

Some Jews agreed to work as police in the ghettos?

Being a policeman in the ghetto was a sought after job.

How did Wiesel say he felt about the Hungarian police?

Wiesel wrote about feeling betrayal and disillusionment towards the Hungarian police in his memoir "Night." He described how they sided with the Nazis and collaborated in the persecution and deportation of Jews during the Holocaust.

Can you show an example of the word 'enforce' in a sentence?

The city sent more police to the ghetto to enforce the law there.