

Why is St. Patrick remembered?

Updated: 8/23/2023
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8y ago

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Patrick was abducted from his home in Scotland or Wales when he was still a boy and forced to serve a Druid (pagan) master. After a few years he was able to escape and return home. He received a message from God to convert, become a priest, and return to Ireland to try and convert the pagans to Christianity. After studies for the priesthood in Europe he did return to Ireland as a Catholic bishop where he drove paganism (not snakes) out of the country. He was named a saint by popular acclaim. No official system existed at the time for naming saints. That was not instituted until the 12th century.

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Saint Patrick is remembered due to his strength to not give into evil of this world. He truly kept sin out of his life. He worked hard every day to live the way God intended us to. He reminds us all that it is possible to live a life without sin.
He's revered as the piper who took the snakes out of Ireland

Actually, he is a Saint of the Catholic Church who was a Christian missionary to the island of Ireland. He is credited with the miraculous banishment of snakes from that isle.

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Patrick's original name was Maewyn Succat, meaning 'War Like.' Pope Celestine decided that was not a proper name for a bishop so changed his name to Patricius (Patrick) before he sent him to Ireland as a bishop.

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