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It is in the west of Europe. See the map of Europe showing where it is at the link below.

Answer 2

Switzerland is a land-locked country in central Europe. It is surrounded by 5 other countries: France, Germany, Austria, Liechtenstein and Italy.

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15y ago

It's on the continent of Europe, no? So why shouldn't it be a part of Europe? The political Europe - the so called European Union - does not define which countries belong to Europe or not... this is just in some way an economical agreement. And right, Switzerland is not memeber of the EU.

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11y ago

The country of Switzerland is in central Europe. It is a land-locked country and surrounded by 5 other countries: France, Germany, Austria, Liechtenstein and Italy.

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11y ago

Switzerland is a country in Europe.

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Where is suisse is located?

Switzerland is located in central Europe, bordered by France, Germany, Italy, Austria and Liechtenstein.

Is Switzerland in Present-day Western Europe?

Yes. Switzerland is considered to be part of Western Europe. However, Switzerland is not part of the EU.

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Switzerland is a country located on the continentof Europe.

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Poland is located in EUROPE. Switzerland is located in Europe. So, Poland is nearer to Switzerland than the US. The US is a nine hour flight to Europe.

Is Switzerland part of a region?

Switzerland is a country. It is in the continent of Europe.

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Not at all. New Zealand is located on the islands southeast of Australia. Switzerland is located in the more western part of Europe bordering Austria, Germany, France, and Italy.

What continent are Germany and France located?

France and Switzerland are located in Europe, more specifically in the western part of Europe.Note that there are some parts of France which are overseas territories like French Guiana, Guadeloupe and Martinique, Mayotte, French Polynesia, etc. that are not in Europe, but mainland France is entirely in Europe. All of Switzerland is in Europe.

Where is the seat of the UN in Europe located?

It is located in Geneva, Switzerland.

Where are France and Switzerland located?

In Nothern Europe.

What hemisphere is Switzerland in?

northern hemisphere Switzerland, part of the European Continent is located in the Northern Hemisphere. Whilst geographically within Europe, Switzerland remains, by choice, not part of the European Union.

Is Switzerland in France?

No. France is a country and Switzerland is a country. They're both located in western Europe (and Europe is a continent).

What continent switzerlznd?

Switzerland is part of Europe.