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You might feel like your not losing weight, but you are, and I am so pleased your losing weight.

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Q: Why is a 16 year old girl who is 5'5 and 135 pounds and is burning about 700 calories a day with exercise and is watching her food portions and eats very healthily unable to lose weight?
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Which is better Counting Calories or Counting Portions?

Counting calories and watching portions.

Does a colon clense help to lose weight?

Not really. They work like a laxative and give you diarrhea. What works is watching calories and regular exercise.

Why You Should Keep Track of Calories in Food?

If you want to lose weight, you probably know that you should watch what you eat and exercise. Although you might think that you can keep tabs on what you are eating simply by watching your portions and avoiding foods that you don't think are healthy, however, it is important to find out the real calories in food so that you can document them. Otherwise, you could end up eating more calories than you intend to, which can slow down your weight loss efforts and make you feel pretty frustrated.

Can you lose weight by watching a movie everyday?

Not by simply watching the movie. It is recommended that you exercise to loose weight. You can, however, exercise while watching the movie, potentially making your exercise a more enjoyable experience.

Do you burn more calories playing on the computeror watching tv?

You burn more calories playing on the computer than watching TV. Both burn very few calories, though.

Does eating healthy guarantee weight loss?

That is correct, eating healthy does not necessarily guarantee weight loss. You have to be sure to get a good exercise routine going as well as watching how many calories you take in.

What are some easy activies that burn calories?

Cleaning the house, walking, sex, dancing, cutting the grass, bike ride, swimming.....

When could low calories be good?

Low calories could be good if you are on a diet or watching what you are eating.

How many calories in cinamelts from McDonald's?

460 calories. that sounds good, too bad im watching calories too

Is there a reason for gaining almost 20 pounds in a year?

100 calories per day more than your body needs equates to one pound of fat per month. I would recommend watching your calories a little closer. When you get to your target weight you can relax and try and find a good balance between diet and exercise. Remember if you exercise more you can eat more rubbish

Do you burn more calories asleep or watching TV?


Wearing ankle weights cause weight loss?

They will if you exercise with them on and eat fewer calories than you burn off by that exercise. They won't have any effect if all you do is sit around watching TV with them on. If those weights are heavy enough, you'll have a difficult time getting to the food...just a thought.