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it can strengthen the lungs

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Q: Why is a diet with plenty of fluids good for the respiratory system?
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Related questions

What are the treatments in respiratory system?

Balanced diet,plenty of liquid intake,rest,and exercise

What can you do to keep your digestive system in a good shape?

Eat a balanced diet, and take plenty of fluids.

Which diet is preferable for dengue fever?

Other than drinking plenty of fluids, one diet is not better than another.

How can you get your 2 year old boy to gain weight?

Make sure they are eating often and regularly and are having a healthful diet, as well as plenty of fluids and sleep.

What do you eat if you have Swine Flu?

A normal healthy diet rich in vitamins and minerals to support your body through the battle with the virus. Plenty of fluids to keep hydrated.

What two things do you need to aid your digestive system?

First and foremost thing you can do to improve your digestive system is to get plenty of fluids, water being on top of the list. You can also try yogurt that has probiotics (good bacterias that promote healthy digestive system). You may include dietary fiber in your diet such as oatmeal and certain cereals.

Why do i poop water?

Passing water is a form of diarrhea. You might not have enough fiber in your diet, or you might be sick. Drink plenty of fluids, because diarrhea can deprive you of fluids. If it persists, see your doctor.

Three things to keep the organ system healthy?

1. Drink plenty of water. 2. Eat a balanced diet. 3. Get plenty of aerobic and anaerobic exercise.

How can rectal prolapse be prevented?

diet high in fiber, drinking plenty of fluids, and avoiding straining during bowel movements help prevent the onset of prolapse. Exercises that strengthen the anal sphincter

Can you eat jacket potato and tuna on raw food diet?

You can but eat both in small quantities with alot of fluids to help it get through your system

What are Special FOODS to keep the excretory system clean?

As long as you eat a balanced diet with plenty of vegetables, there is no need for special foods.

What are two factors that contribute to the efficient function of the respiratory system?

Many things are important, among them include a good diet, and plenty of rest.