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First of all, no one with any disease is going to be "guaranteed". I'm guessing you mean quarantined. A person infected with TB is highly infectious and the disease can easily be spread, therefore the infected person is isolated to contain the spread of the disease.

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Q: Why is a person diagnosed with TB immediately guaranteed?
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Can latent TB be cured and how do I know it has been cured?

I am no doctor, but I was diagnosed with TB. I took a medicine for 6 months. You will always have the bug, but chest xrays will show that the bugs are dead! I was diagnosed in 1991 and have been fine since then.

Can a fully cured TB patient be suspected to have latent TB?

Yes, it is possible that a person previously diagnosed with active TB and was completely cured be suspected to haveÊlatent TB. Aside from the medicine that cured the patient of active TB, there is also a high chance that the body's immune system has controlled the infection but unable to completely remove it from the body. Hence, the infection remains in the body, lying in an inactive or latent state.

What is the meaning of TB?

The meaning of TB is tuberculosis. TB is a fatal disease that can be passed from person to person. It is caused by bacteria and mainly attacks the lungs.

What is the prognosis for people with TB?

The prognosis for people with TB is generally good if they receive prompt and appropriate treatment. With proper medication and adherence to treatment, most people are able to recover fully. However, complications can arise if the disease is left untreated or not managed effectively.

Is it safe to be near someone diagnosed with tb?

Yes it is same as long as you have a strong immune system. just make sure that the person is getting medication so that it isn't fully contagious> hope i helped :)

What if a person kiss a tb positive what medicine should be taken?

what if a person kiss a tb positive and what medicine should be taken

What are the risk factors of getting tb?

repeated close quarter exposure to infected person

Can you get TB Tuberculosis from touching surfaces or clothing of a infected person?

You certainly can.

How does tb spread?

TB is an airborne disease it tends to spread mostly through air, if the infected person simply coughs,sneezes,talks or even breathes the infection will be likely to be spread if a person inhales it then they'll be likely to have tb

Is a person with already treated TB eligible to work in Japan and why?


How long does someone with tuberculosis live without taking any medication?

If a person has active TB or TB disease, they can spread it by coughing or sneezing in the air. They can not spread it by kissing, hugging, sharing food etc. You would contract it by inhaling the air with the bacteria after they coughed or sneezed. If your immune system can somewhat fight it, you would be diagnosed with latent tuberculosis infection. If infected with LTBI, you can't spread it. But, it can lead to active TB or TB disease. It can take anywhere from several weeks to several years for LTBI to evolve into TB disease. Either one can be diagnosed through a blood test or a Tuberculin skin test. Also, LTBI can be prevented from evolving into TB disease with the right medication.

Is there a blood test to determine if I have tuberculosis?

Since 2001 there has been an approved blood test for TB that has advantages over the skin test, and is recommended by the US Center for Disease Control. Follow the links below for details. It does not require a repeat visit (if negative), and is more reliable in some cases, such as people who have had a TB immunization or multiple TB skin tests. It is called the QuantiFERON®-TB Gold test. Like the skin test, it only tells that a person has been infected with TB germs. It does not tell whether or not the person has progressed to TB disease. Other tests, such as a chest x-ray and a sample of sputum, are needed to see whether the person has TB disease. The test mentioned above tests for TB by detecting the immune response to TB. If a patient is severely ill, there may be TB bacilli in the blood, and a blood culture can be used.