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She most likely is under stress due to moving, a new baby or a new cat or other animal. The best way to stop a cat from peeing inside the house (also called Spaying) is to reduce the stress that the cat is feeling.

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Q: Why is adult female cat peeing on carpet in the house instead of outside?
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Why is your 4 year old cat peeing on the carpet when she has a clean litter box?

If your cat pees on the carpet instead of its literbox it is peeing for. Territory you need to get ur cat nuttered

How do you get your 6 year old dog to stop peeing on the carpet even after you have just taken her outside?

1- get it a diaper 2-have it checked out by a vet. It may have a bladder infection

How do you get your female cat to stop peeing outside kitty litter?

Have you thought that it might be pregnant if you arn't sure then take it to the vet to get it looked at.

How do you stop your cat from peeing on the carpet in your bedroom?

litter box training mite work

How do you get your cat to quit peeing on a bed?

put it outside

How do you get your cat to stop peeing on your clothes?

Kick it outside

How do you make dogs stop peeing in the house?

you can train it to pee outside

How do you stop dogs from peeing on carpet?

Train them. Dogs can learn amazing things if the owner takes time out to teach them.

Why is your new cat peeing on the carpet but pooping in her litter box?

Try training it. If this doesn't work, talk to your vet.

Is peeing outside bad for you?

No, my dad was inside the house about to take me to the Rec and I had to pee badly and wouldn't make it to a bush so I peed on the back of the car until he came out and I finished it in the grass, peeing outside it what I always do!

How do you stop a female dog from peeing on the floor?

when you see them squat, make some kind of loud noise(clapping,banging...) or quickly pick them up and take them outside to finish. if those dont work, whenever your dog goes outside and does something, reward them with a treat

Do female cats have an opening for peeing?

yes if they didn't they would explode with blockage of urine and die.