

Best Answer

Because if u lose to much oxygen than you're lungs can close up and if it's way to much u can die.

Asthma is important because it is a common childhood illness and is responsible for many hospital admissions and school absenteeism. It can be severe and even life threatening if not managed effectively. Some asthma triggers are:-

Animals, tobacco smoke, viral infections, pollen, molds, dust, aspirin, exercise, chemicals, cold air and extreme emotional distress. Test for Asthma diagnosis testing include :-

Chest Xray

Allergy tests

Lung function tests (spirometry)

The management of asthma includes avoiding triggers, treating the acute attack, prevention of further attacks, and monitoring the progress of the disease. Your family Doctor will prescribe the most effective medication for each patient, and referral on to a specialist Physician if necessary. Children with asthma often grow out of the illness.

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Q: Why is asthma important?
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Are electronic air filters good to have for those with asthma?

Electronic air filters do help those with asthma. It is important to keep the plates in the device clean or it will defeat the purpose and doing what you can to remove the sources that trigger the asthma is also essential.

Tips for living with asthma?

Asthma is a disorder that causes your airways to swell, making it difficult to breathe. Many people suffer from asthma including adults and children. A person is more likely to develop asthma if he is overweight, a smoker, had a mother who smoked while pregnant or has an allergic condition. Living with asthma can definitely be difficult, but you don't have to let it take over your life. Here are some tips for living with asthma.Learn More About AsthmaIt is important to learn as much as you can about your asthma. For example, you should learn what causes your symptoms and how to prevent them. Learning about your asthma will make your life much easier. Research information about asthma online and ask your doctor questions.Don't Allow Asthma to Take Over Your LifeHaving asthma doesn't mean you can't lead an active and fulfilling lifestyle. Asthma medicine has come a long way in recent years, so you are able to do all the physical activities you want. You just have to be able to control your environment, monitor your condition and keep up with your treatment plan.Know How to Deal With Asthma EmergenciesIt is important to have an asthma action plan if you have a sudden asthma attack. With an asthma action plan, you can identify the signs that your asthma is getting out of control, know the proper action to take and act quickly to stop an asthma attack. Having an asthma action plan can actually save your life.Realize That You're Not the Only Person With AsthmaIt is important to realize that there are other people in the world who suffer from asthma. Talking to other people with asthma can help comfort you. Try to find an asthma support group, so you can be around others with your condition.Living with asthma isn't always going to be easy, but these tips will help you cope with your condition.

What is asthma in Arabic?

asthma is called (Rabbo) in Arabic and it writes (asthma = ربو ) or (the asthma = الربو )

What signs do I need to look for that say I may have asthma?

As an asthma sufferer from childhood I am aware that there are many signs of asthma, ranging from a tight feeling in the chest and breathlessness to wheezing and inability to breath which is leading to a full blown asthma attack. If you are getting breathless on exertion in excess of what is usual for your fitness level it is important to seek medical opinions rather than online help as asthma is a life threatening disease if not controlled well.

Does Micky Yoochun have asthma?

Sadly he does... That's why it's so important for Yoochun to eat right and get rest.

Learning to Recognize and Avoid Asthma Symptoms?

Asthma is a chronic, manageable disease that causes the airways of sufferers to tighten, impeding normal breathing. If left untreated, asthma attacks can be life-threatening. Asthma sufferers, however, can control the disease by learning to recognize early asthma symptoms, intervening as soon as attacks begin and managing asthma triggers.Recognizing Early Asthma SymptomsEarly signs that herald asthma flareups are often subtle. It is, however, important to recognize these symptoms, because early recognition allows sufferers to use medication to prevent serious attacks. Early symptoms of asthma include:Coughing that worsens at night.Wheezing.Weakness and coughing during exercise.Difficulty sleeping.Restlessness or unexplained moodiness.Exhaustion.Congestion, headache, sore throat or other cold symptoms.Any asthma sufferer who experiences these symptoms should take asthma medication as directed by his or her asthma plan. Anyone without an asthma plan or whose medications do not relieve the asthma symptoms should contact a doctor immediately. Recognizing an Asthma AttackSometimes asthma attacks occur with little warning, so asthma sufferers need to be prepared. Symptoms of an attack include:Difficulty breathing.Inability to talk.Blue lips.Sweating and pallor.Panic.Rapid breathing.Chest pain or tightness.Severe wheezing.Anyone experiencing these symptoms needs treatment. In cases where available prescription medications do not relieve the symptoms, the patient needs to go to the emergency room right away. Asthma attacks can escalate rapidly, so immediate medical attention is required. Preventing Asthma SymptomsWhile it is important to understand how to treat early asthma symptoms and respond to attacks, the best method for dealing with asthma is to prevent asthma symptoms from occurring. Prevention involves taking all prescribed asthma medications and having regular checkups. It also involves learning to recognize and manage asthma triggers. Triggers differ from patient to patient, but the most common asthma triggers include:Exercise, especially in cold, dry air.Irritants, such as dust and fumes.Allergens.Infections.Patients should learn their particular triggers and speak with their doctors about the best strategies to manage them. By preventing asthma symptoms whenever possible and treating occasional attacks promptly, asthma sufferers will be able to better control their asthma.

What is the difference between exercise asthma and normal asthma?

The difference between exercise asthma and regular asthma is that exercise asthma arises due to too much exercise while regular asthma is not.

Can you list some books about asthma?

The Asthma Sourcebook: Everything You Need to Know by Francis V. Adams, MD Asthma (Just the Facts) All About Asthma and How to Live With It Ask the Doctor: Asthma The Asthma Self-Care Book : How to Take Control of Your Asthma Asthma & Allergies My House Is Killing Me! The Home Guide for Families With Allergies and Asthma Why Do I Wheeze? Children and Asthma: The Child With Asthma Childhood Asthma: What It Is and What You Can Do Control Your Child's Asthma: A Breakthrough Program for the Treatment and Management of Childhood Asthma The Parent's Guide to Allergies and Asthma American Academy of Pediatrics Guide to Your Child's Allergies and Asthma What Your Doctor May Not tell You About Children's Allergies and Asthma: Simple Steps to Help Stop Attacks and Improve Your Child's Health

Why is asthma bad for you?

I am no expert on this subject but it is very important to treat your asthma, I say this because it can feel like you can't breath in and you can't breath out. It is normal for your body to cope with asthma, however your brain does not react the same. In a panic state your body will start fighting, and your brain will do just that, panic. You will try to breath harder and faster and that will not work with asthma. You can colapse, pass out, and even stop breathing altogether. It is important to speak with your doctor if you think you have asthma. The best thing I have had in my entire life was a rescue inhaler. I don't have asthma, but I do get chronic bronchitis which has a lot of the same symptoms.

What exercises induce asthma?

Exercise induced asthma is where you get asthma from exercese

What is a sentence with the word asthma?

I suffer from asthma. Asthma makes my life hard. I sometimes can't sleep at night due to asthma. I wish they had a cure for asthma.