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George Washington wrote that without an educated population that a democracy couldn't work because you need people to understand the issues, discuss them, and be able to read about them. They also need to understand how government works and with those in place a democracy can work. Without an educated population knowing the laws and what rights they have the government is able to do things without the understanding or knowledge of the people. As long as the population is educated the government can't become a Dictatorship because someone will know that it is wrong.

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Q: Why is education important to a democracy?
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physical and health is really important to Sparta but health an education is important to Athens cause they are in to democracy and Spartans are sporty an well built an the like to have strong baby or they will kill them

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Education became an important topic for reformers in the 1800s due to the increasing emphasis on democracy, industrialization, and social mobility. Reformers believed that an educated populace was essential for a functioning democracy, as well as for preparing individuals for the challenges of a rapidly changing society. They also saw education as a means to address social inequalities and improve economic opportunities for all, leading to a push for increased access to education and improvements in its quality.

What did Matthew Arnold believe was very important to democracy?

Matthew Arnold believed that culture and education were very important to democracy. He saw them as crucial for promoting critical thinking, fostering moral values, and creating an informed citizenry that could actively participate in the democratic process.

Who wrote the book Democracy and Education?

John Dewey

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People are elected by voters in a democracy and without an election there is no democracy.

Why were the Americans so intent in making use educated?

Since the start of the United States education has been important. The first school law was passed in 1635 and it set up a system for children to attend school. The United States has always been a nation of immigrants and Washington stated that education was important because as a nation of immigrants people needed understand how government worked , and with education people would learn about democracy. Education also is a means to provide a classless society and is a leveling between people. In 1830 over 60% of NYC was nonEnglish speaking so education was very important for people to learn about how democracy worked.

Why is education important to the building of a democracy?

Education makes people knowledgable and makes them aware of their rights and duties as a member a nation. It helps them to participate in political affairs. By paticipating they are choosing their government themselves and deciding the nations future.

How were direct democracy and education related in Athens?

they were not related at all!

Who believed public education was essential for democracy?

Thomas jefferson

Jacksonian democracy view on education?

They believed "alot" in education, according to the jackass who put the answer "He believed "alot" in education" to the question: What was Andrew Jackson's view on education?

What was Jeffersons view of the relationship between education and democracy?

Jefferson believed that a strong democracy depended on well educated students

Who believed that high Culture was very important to democracy?

Matthew Arnold believed that high culture was very important to democracy.