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Q: Why is fair Trade important to consumers?
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What are the advantages of fair trade for the consumers?

there arn't any. the government is lying to you. the fair trade has high increased fats, even worse than normal.

How many fair trade symbols?

hiyaa u okiaaa what is Why is fair trade important

What are the Acts to protect the consumer?

Depends on the country you are in. In New Zealand the Fair Trade Act, and the Consumers Guarantees Act protect consumers

Why is fair trade important to Saint Lucia?

its hard for blacks to trade fairly

How does supporting fair trade consumers?

They pay more for goods but enable workers to earn more money

What are the correct ways to seek redress?

The correct ways to seek redress include documenting the issue, contacting the appropriate party or authority to address the problem, and providing evidence to support your claim. It is important to remain calm and respectful throughout the process to increase the chances of a successful resolution.

What can consumers do to promote fair trade?

well companies can promote the effect it has on society and how it affects people in poor areas. How they don't receive money to support their kids. how fair trade helps the community get more money.

How does supporting fair trade help consumers?

They are able to know that their purchases are not supporting unfair labor practices.

Is fair trade important?

Fair Trade Certified products alone positively impact the lives of the over one million Fair Trade farmers and their families, who are located in 58 countries. Fair Trade raises the standards of living for these families and offers a comprehensive development of their communities. It offers true change, and not charity.

Why is having fair trade products good for a company?

Its not, the company is just wasting money. Alternatively - Fair Trade means the producer of any products labelled with the logo must meet certain standards. Fair Trade basically helps to ensure that developing countries get a fairer price for their products and that workers are paid and treated in a fair and responsible manner. Companies that sell Fair Trade products in developed countries can pay a fee to use the Fair Trade logo, of course on the grounds that they are indeed using Fair Trade products. The benefits to companies in countries such as the United States, England, Australia, etc, is that that consumers will usually view the business as having higher ethical standards, which is likely to entice consumer conscience which leads to increased sales. Consumers are also usually willing to pay a higher price for the product which will cover the cost of Fair Trade logo fees.

How do you identifiy fair trade products?

u will find the fair trade simble and thats haw u can tell if its fair trade and if is no fair trade simble its not fair trade