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Well some vegetables contain fibre and some do not. This means that it is good to mix up your vegetables because fibre is needed in a healthy diet, to help make sure the digestive system is efficent and that you don't get constipation. It is also because some vegetables do not contain the minerals and vitamins that are in others, so therefore by mixing them up you will obtain a range of crucial nutrients. EAT LOTS OF VEG!:D

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Q: Why is it a good idea to have a wide variety of vegetables in your diet?
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Can you eat corn on a low carb diet?

Corn is one of the high carb vegetables. I would have to say I wouldn't on a low carb diet.

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A high-protein, low-calorie diet coupled with regular exercise is a good idea. And there's no need to go knocking vegetables either! A diet high in fruits and vegetables is essential to good health.

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A good diet for lowering cholesterol is to eat certain food groups. These include vegetables, fruits, and whole grains. Also, it is a good idea to feed your body regularly but keep in mind what your taking in.

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In my opinion, it is a good idea to follow a vegetarian diet permanently! (I'm a vegetarian, of course)

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Having many people over at Thanksgiving can be a challenge. Each person has different likes/dislikes. a good idea is to have a turkey, and a ham, for variety. Also it would be good to have a selection of vegetables.

What is a good diet for eleven year olds?

A diet for an eleven year old? That is a pretty bad idea. They will not develop properly physically since that is the age when a certain amount of growth occurs. It would be better if you had them eat more fruits and vegetables in their already normal diet. Along with that, some physical activity would not be a bad idea. Get involved in it with them too that will encourage them to do so as well.

Why is it a good idea to have a balanced diet?

It is a good idea because you can stay fit and healthy, live for longer and you can get much more out of life!

What is a good diet to follow for a healthy heart?

A good diet for heart health would be to only consume things that are low in cholesterol. Another good idea would be to ask your doctor for a good diet plan and schedule for which you can follow.

Do I need to have a special diet during periods?

It is usually a good idea to incorporate foods higher in iron when on your period. You are loosing blood and at risk for anemia. Red meats and dark green leafy vegetables can help promote iron.

Is the pilates diet healthy for everyone?

When starting any diet, it is a good idea to check with your doctor. No diet is right for anyone. That's why there are so many different diet plans.

Is there a diet regimen recommended by doctors to suppress child obesity?

Nutritious meals are essential for growing children. 3 meals consisting of fruits, vegetables, protein and whole grains are the best. Portion control is also a very good idea.