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Dogs will not use the bathroom in a place they feel is their home. Crates are easy to clean and can be moved from room to room to help the dog adjust to your house so he will know the entire house is his home and he should not use the bathroom inside.

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Q: Why is it better to use a kennel or crate to potty train a dog?
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How should dogs be trained?

That's largely a matter of opinion, but one opinion gaining a lot of popularity is a natural or "pack" method, such as is popularized by Cesar Milan. This concentrates on using methods and doing the dog will naturally understand and respond to, rather than using "human" methods to train the dog. In my experience, "treat training" - giving a food reward for behavior - turns dogs into hungry little robots, and "trauma training" is just inexcusable animal abuse. One of the best books I've seen on natural training is one I read over twenty years ago, "Mother Knows Best" by Carol Lea Benjamin. There are also numerous websites that deal with the subject... Just Google "Natural Dog Training"

What is crating in dog training?

Crating is when you train your dog to go in his kennel or crate that actually simulates a den in the wild and acts as their "own space" for rest and protection.

When is a good age to potty train?

As soon as they begin responding to their name. The sooner the better.

Is a shihtzu hard to potty train?

Well to potty train a shih tzu it is really hard bc if u buy a mattt then they will.......then they won't

How do you potty train a guinea pig Is it possible and Is it easy to teach him?

yes you can potty train a guinea pig and it is so easy to train them but you have to be patient. if you would like to see how to potty train a guinea pig then go on you tube and type in how to potty train a guinea pig and you can see all you need to know

Can you potty train a horse?


Is it possible to potty trains cows?

No, you cannot potty train cows.

How do you get your puppy to go poop outside when she even poops in her own kennel?

ou should start training your puppy to potty train as soon as you can. Take the dog out a lot and praise them and give them treats whenever they go to the bathroom outside. If you catch the dog peeing inside say no sternly and take them outside. Leave them out there for a while so they get that they are supposed to go to the bathroom when they are outside. Praise them when they do go to the bathroom outside. To stop the dog from going to the bathroom in her kennel you should get a crate that is just large enough for your dog. If you want to buy a large crate because your dog will get bigger, then stick a box or some kind of separator in the back of the crate to make it smaller. This makes it so that the dog will not want to go to the bathroom in its bed.

How long does it take to potty train a boxer puppie?

You do not potty train dogs. You train them to defecate in appropriate places. It should take 2 to 4 weeks.

Is all dog potty train?

you mean are all dogs potty trained? Then no.

How do you potty train a stubborn child?

You can potty train a stubborn child by bribing them. You could bribe the stubborn child with food or toys for example.

Can you crate two dogs in one crate?

Yes you can and you often have to if you are using a crate to house train a young puppy. Some crates come with a divider panel that you can place where ever you need it in the crate depending on the size of your dog. If yours does not have a panel you could use a piece of plywood cut to fit inside. Sometimes if the space is much bigger than the dog they will still eliminate in the crate. Dividing it and making the space smaller usually corrects this.