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Because if we don't, it will happen again.

Jews have been mercilessly persecuted throughout history - In Seleucid Judea, in Rome, in Medieval Europe, in, specifically, Spain (The Spanish Inquisition), in England (The Edict of 1290), and much more recently, the Holocaust in Nazi Germany. If we forget these past atrocities, we will stand by when they happen again.

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Because if we don't, it will happen again.

Jews have been mercilessly persecuted throughout history - In Seleucid Judea, in Rome, in Medieval Europe, in, specifically, in England (The Edict of 1290), Spain (The Spanish Inquisition in 1492), the pogroms of the Almohads (1200s), the pogroms in Russia (1700s-1900s), and much more recently, the Holocaust in Nazi Germany. If we forget these past atrocities, we will stand by when they happen again.

Answer:God speaks to us through the Torah, but we can also learn from His creation (Psalms 8 and 19) which show His wisdom; and from history. Our past includes the events narrated in the Torah; and learning them strengthens our belief and commitment as Jews. In addition, history provides many examples of prophecies which have been fulfilled, just as Archaeology provides hundreds of examples of Torah-details which have been corroborated.
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