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Your lower abs are an extension of your rectus abdominals or better known as your 'six pack'. When you exercise the bottom half you create a stronger frame for breathing as well as stability to your diaphragm. It gives you a base to work off the rest of your abs with.

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Q: Why is it important to exercise lower abs?
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Related questions

Which exercise is best for the abs?

The best exercise for the abs is the one for the lower abs. However, the most important is to practice daily in order to have strong abs and never quit.

How can you tone your lower abs?

Lower abs can get toner with exercise. Doing crunches or sit ups on a daily basis can tone the stomach muscles.

What are the best exercise moves?

the moves that targets you r upper and lower abs.

What DVD is good for exercising lower abs?

There are many dvds that are good for exercsing your lower abs. Checking out your local target or walmart exercise sections will provide many great dvds.

What is a good diet for a 15 year old to follow in order to get abs?

generally exercise and eating right. don't just do crunches, use your lower abs and upper abs as well as your obliques.

How do you get flat lower abs if you already have flatish upper abs?

Continue reducing your body fat and doing abdominal exercises. There's no distinction between exercises for the upper and lower abs- a crunch or any other abdominal exercise works your entire set of abdominals. It's just the case that people have more body fat around their waist, and as a result, definition of lower abs is more difficult. There are no exercises which specifically target either the upper or lower abdominals- when you do an abdominal exercise, every abdominal is worked equally.

Can bodybuilding trainers help you to develop 6 pack abs?

Yes a bodybuilding trainer can help you develop a routine to get you the six-pack abs you want. They will create a diet and exercise routine for you to perform. Abs also needs lower body fat to see. If you eat well and workout with the right exercise, those abs will be strong and visible.

How do you lose abs?

By doing physical activities we can get flat abs. Cardio is good to lose abs, in cardio also especially crunches work a lot to reduce abs. With exercise fat free food is also very much important.

Does working out your abs lower your chest?

No,it does not lower chest when you work out your abs....

What can you do if you don't want abs?

get fat... or get lazy... or don't exercise your abs...

How do you get abs when you 9?

Daily exercise

The Best Lower Abs Exercise for Ripped Abs?

The lower abs are the most difficult part of the abs to define. Even thin people usually have a layer of fat over their lower abdominal muscles. Many people refer to this fat as their"stomach pooch."Even if you do hundreds of crunches, you may not get rid of this pooch. This is partly because traditional crunches don't work the lower abs. To specifically target the lower abdominal muscles, you will have to switch up your old exercise routine.The Best Lower Abs ExerciseThe best lower abs exercise isn't a type of sit-up or crunch; it's cardio. The lower abs are the most difficult to define because of the layer of fat that covers them. No muscle strengthening exercise will get rid of this fat. To get a six or eight pack, you need to define the rectus abdominis, which is broken up into eight sections.The only way to make these sections visible is to lower your body percentage fat. There is no way to spot reduce. If you want to see your lower abs, you'll have to reduce your body fat through a healthy diet and exercise plan.When reducing body fat, the first abs to become visible are the upper sections of the rectus abdominis. The leaner you get, the more abdominal muscles you will see. Of course, you can still work your ab muscles. This will help make them stronger, larger, and more defined, which will increase their visibility.Other Six Pack Defining ExercisesTo define the lower abs, focus on leg lifts and reverse crunches. When doing leg lifts, lay flat on your back with your arms out to the sides. Keep your head and shoulders off of the ground, and slowly raise both of your legs at the same time. If this is too difficult, you can keep your head down, while lifting your legs.A reverse crunch is also performed while laying on the ground. Keeping your legs together, lift your legs and bend them at a 90 degree angle. Lift your head off the ground and support your neck with your hands. Using your lower abs, lift your hips off the ground and towards your chest. Make sure to your movements slow and controlled, as this will provide the most benefit to the abs.