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Because there is other food prepared on the kitchen counter and having meat being defrosted/thawed on it may cause food poisoning.

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Q: Why is it recommended that meat not be thawed on the kitchen counter?
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Can you keep thawed meat in the refrigerator?

The refrigerator is exactly where you should keep meat that is thawing and meat that has thawed - that is until you cook it. Use it within a few days of thawing.

Is it safe to eat meat that has been kept refridgerated until date then frozen then defrosted and then rerefridgerated?

It is recommended to eat ANY thawed out meat as soon as possible. However, you can keep in refrigerator for up to 24hrs if necessary.

If your meat has been thawed and refrozen is it still good?

If the meat stays below room temperature (for instance, if you have thawed it in the refrigerator) and it is quickly put back into the freezer, you can refreeze the meat with little effect on the texture and flavor of the meat. If the meat has been thawed for a day or more, or gets warmer than refrigerator temperature, it is best to cook it and then refreeze.

Can you refreeze a thawed smoked turkey?

You should never refreeze a thawed smoked turkey. However, once you cook a thawed turkey, you can freeze the meat.

What do you call a meat that was frozen?

If the meat was frozen but now it isn't, I would call it thawed.

Why is it important that frozen meat like chicken is thawed out and cooked propely?

Any meat may have been contaminated with bacteria such as salmonella before being frozen. Thorough cooking will kill any bacteria present but if the meat is not completely thawed such bacteria may not be brought to a temperature sufficiently high to kill them. Cooking times are based on starting from a raw but unfrozen state. If the meat is still frozen then times recommended will not be sufficient to complete the coking process.

What is one way food should never be thawed?

The answer would vary with the type of food. For bread, for instance, the microwave is the worst; it gets all soggy. Many other foods, however, would be fine thawed by microwave. Potentially hazardous foods, like meat and seafood, should not be left on the counter to thaw.

How long will frozen meat stay good outside of refrigerator?

Once the meat is fully thawed and at room temperature the max is four hours. Because the meat is frozen you have alittle extra time while it thaws. It is hard to tell when the meat has reached room temp so it's best to thaw it in the refridgerator.

IS IT OK TO Eat thawed and re frozen meat?

It is safe to eat, and it won't even taste worse - depending on how long it was initially thawed.

Why is it important that tye color change in a thermochromic meat label is irreversible?

The meat cannot be thawed without knowing it.

Can precooked frozen ham be thawed out and refrozen gain?

No it is not recommended on food safety grounds. Unused cooked defrosted meat should be binned after three to four days.

Why is it bad to refreeze raw chicken meat?

Refreezing meat isn't a good idea. But if you must, the meat should not have been old the first time it was frozen, it should have been thawed under refrigeration and then frozen again shortly after being thawed. Realize that the quality of the meat will be negatively affected. The flavor will likely degrade and the meat will be drier and tougher when cooked.