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Young people kill themselves because those young people don't want to feel bad and just want to die for they wont suffer anymore

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Q: Why is it that young people kill themselves from bullying?
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How many suicide's relate to bullying?

alot all around the world when people bully other people that person might get tired of getting insulted and torchered that they my try and kill themself or try and kill the person

Why should a Person Kill Themselves from Bullying or Cyber-Bullying?

It is always a tragedy when anyone commits suicide. Bullying feels very painful to the person being bullied. They may feel like a prisoner to the pain the bully puts them through day after day and it hurts very much. The pain they feel seems like it will never end, so they may take drastic measures. Later in life the bully may realize the weight of those actions and suffer as well.

How did April Himes kill herself from bullying in the year of 2000?

April hung herself in her bedroom after she was bullied.

What would happen if the Victim kills themselves from Bullying or Cyber-Bullying?

Very little would happen unless the victim belonged to a politically correct group. A few people might shed tears for a few minutes, and then it would be back to business (or bullying) as usual. The bullies would gloat and any oppressive system that helped cause the bullying will actually become more oppressive. If the victim was part of a protected group, school admins, police, and owners of websites will simply come up with more oppressive policies and use bullying as an excuse or means to bully, as ironic as it is. The bottom line is don't kill yourself because very few would care, and that is being blunt. You do more to hurt bullies by staying alive and not letting them drive you to suicide. Someone has to be strong enough to put a stop to it. The system will most likely fail you - and partially because of the policies they enact to "help" you, so you have to rely on your strength and your friends.

How is suicide determined?

If the person who died killed themselves did so by their own doing and had the intention to kill themselves.

Related questions

How many people kill themselves cause of bullying?

more then a thousand a year

Why is it that so many young people kill themselves from Bullying or Cyber-Bullying?

Because some kids can't handle the pressure of being bullied so it gets into their head and makes them feel unwanted and unneeded.

When a Victim Kills Themselves from Bullying or Cyber-Bullying can they Kill Themselves again in Heaven or Hell?

no you should all ready know that

How many kids kill themselves bcause of bullying?

13 million

How many teens a kill themselves because of bullying a day?


Can bullying kill you?

yes it can kill you.

Why do so many young Kids kill themselves from Bullying or Cyber-Bullying?

because the people that are bullying them they have something happed with friends,family and they think that that are so cool and it's not and that why we as people need to stop bullys i you see someone getting bully say stop it that is not cool and don't try to bully kids in middle school or high school that is not cool and not nice tell a teacher,your parnets or someone that can help that kids so because every kid has a right to live so like i said STOP BULLY!

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So, that they can kill food for themselves and their young.

They're young they're in love and they kill people What movie pair introduced themselves by saying We rob banks?

Bonnie and Clyde

How many people try to kill themselves over bullying in New Zealand?

Too many (The exact number is not disclosed). New Zealand, to its shame, has one of the worst bullying rates in the world . . . but the John Key Government is looking into the problem . . . a problem that must be addressed by the whole community in order to be successful.

Do people kill themselves for being single?

No but they can be depressed for being single and the depression can make them kill themselves.

How can someone stay young forever?

They kill themselves early. End of story.