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natural rubber is not the perfect compound for vehicle tyres. the temperature and friction created by the vehicle will easily rip apart the molecues of the natural rubber - purely because if the weak bindings within the natural elements, unlike the high-bonded rubber compounds created by type manufacturers.

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Q: Why is natural rubber unsuitable for vehicle tires?
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Are there any brands of auto tires out there that use Natural rubber?

There is no such thing as a natural rubber, rubber is man made.

Which automotive tires use natural rubber?

Most tires made today use a combination of natural rubber and synthetic rubber to achieve the maximum tread life and safety rating.

Why a lot of air can be contained in a vehicle tire?

that's because the tires of a vehicle is rubber, and it can expand.

What is rubber mad out of?

Natural rubber is made from latex. Tires are made of nitrile, steel and / or polymer strands.

What is rubber mad out?

Natural rubber is made from latex. Tires are made of nitrile, steel and / or polymer strands.

Which force pushes a moving vehicle forward?

The engine causes the tires of the vehicle to turn. The tires are made of rubber in order to maximize the friction (traction) between the tires and the concrete. It is the tires and the force of friction which causes a vehicle to move forward (or backward, for that matter).

What does Put the rubber on the road mean?

It means to actually start whatever it is you're about to begin. "Rubber" refers to your vehicle's tires -- if you put the rubber onto the road, you are rolling your vehicle along the highway and moving along.

What is the difference between hard rubber tires and soft rubber tires?

The innate soft texture of the soft rubber tires differentiates the soft rubber tires from their closely-related hard rubber tires.

What is hyroplaning?

Hydroplaning or aquaplaning by a road vehicle occurs when a layer of water builds between the rubber tires of the vehicle and the road surface

Are tires man made or natural resource?

Tires are a man made product made from natural resources. Early tires used natural resources from rubber trees, cotton plants, and sulfur. The cotton was spun into fibers that were used embedded in uncured natural rubber to strengthen it and the tire was cured using the sulfur in a process called vulcanization. Modern tires use natural resources from petroleum, iron ore, etc. The iron ore is made into steel which is made into steel fibers that are embedded in uncured synthetic rubber made from petroleum to strengthen it and the tire is cured.

How can rubber support the weight of a vehicle?

Rubber is capable of supporting the weight of the vehicle because it is able to contain air. Car tires have tubes that are filled with air pressure and these can sustain the weight of a truck.

Are tires really made from trees?

Rubber comes from rubber trees, tires are made with rubber.